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Striking women workers in 1909

International Working Women’s Day honors a union on strike

International Women’s Day is important. But to truly honor this day and its goals, we must revisit the story of International Working Women’s Day, of thousands of fed-up workers boiling over into the streets of New York.

Bonnie Castillo, RN, Executive Director of National Nurses United
March 8, 2023

The first convention of the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses, Boston, 1909

Celebrating the pioneering National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses

As nurses committed to fighting against the public health crisis of racism, we must endeavor to reveal and share our history so we can build toward a different future – one of inclusion, peace, and justice.

National Nurses United
February 10, 2023

Group of nurses inside hospital

CNA/NNOC nurses are growing our power – overcoming unprecedented challenges and fierce employer opposition

As California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee nurses, we are constantly pushing against the treacherous headwinds of a health care industry that is relentlessly focused on profits. When I look at everything we have accomplished during this unprecedented pandemic for our patients and our communities I’m in awe.

Bonnie Castillo, RN, Executive Director of National Nurses United
February 9, 2023

RNRN nurses in The Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan in 2013.

Nursing is in the Heart

In honor of Filipino American History Month, the California Museum, located in Sacramento, is presenting an exhibit entitled ‘California is in the Heart’, which explores the vital role that Filipinx Americans have played in the state’s history.

National Nurses United
October 28, 2022

Mawata Kamara, RN

The Labor of Labor: Forced Birth Is Forced Work

Nurses know firsthand just how much work goes into giving birth for our patients, especially if we’re labor and delivery nurses or parents ourselves. I’m an emergency room nurse, but I’m also a mom, so I know that the miracle of birth isn’t always so miraculous in the moment. Yes, there’s joy and celebration, but there’s also a lot of pain and hard work.

Mawata Kamara, RN
September 2, 2022

Nurse hold signs "Black Lives Matter"

Nursing our way to health care freedom

Juneteenth is a fitting time to recognize what union nurses are doing to fight racism in their workplaces and to ensure that all patients are getting the care they need.

National Nurses United
June 17, 2022

ACT UP march in New York City

ACT UP’s Fearless Activism and Organizing Is a Model for Fighting for Justice

Nurses who cared for patients during the AIDS epidemic know Covid-19 is not the first disease to expose the extreme injustices of our health care system and society. Without our advocacy in coalition with patients and marginalized communities, the U.S. corporate health care industry and government will continue to fail people.

National Nurses United
June 7, 2022

Nurse on picket line hold sign "Chinese Hospital Nurses On Strike for Our Patient's Safety"

Making history

As we celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the nurses of Chinese Hospital are a living, inspiring example of the courage, determination, resilience, and solidarity Asian Americans in the United States have displayed in fighting for social justice for themselves, their patients, and their communities.

National Nurses United
May 27, 2022

NNU logo

National Nurses United: Collective Nurse Power Can Ensure Health Justice

National Nurses United affirms our position that unionization and collective nurse power are the best defenses against systemic failures. The recent high-profile case against former nurse RaDonda Vaught has shaken the entire nursing profession, offering important lessons about what it takes to protect patient safety in a corporate health environment.

May 5, 2022

"Caring with Pride" raised fists graphic

Caring with pride

As Pride month comes to a close, we recognize a critical aspect of the work that registered nurses do throughout the year to support LGBTQ+ health: allowing patients to wholly be themselves.

National Nurses United
November 16, 2021