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Oakland City Council Approves Resolution to Support Robin Hood Tax

Registered Nurse Thorild Urdal told the Oakland City Council recently how she sees patients struggling everyday to survive during these tough economic times. They're delaying healthcare, rationing medication or not buying medication at all. “I see them coming in worse and worse shape, “ the Alta Bates Medical Center nurse said. That’s why Urdal and her fellow nurses are calling for a Robin Hood Tax to help our communities recover from the economic crisis caused by Wall Street.

California Nurses Association

Instead of Paul Ryan’s ‘Robin Hood in Reverse,’ Why Not a Robin Hood Tax?

For House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan and the Republican Party’s unofficial austerity caucus, the shutdown and debt-ceiling fights did not end in defeat. As part of the deal to end reopen the government and avert a “full-faith-and-credit” crisis, they got an agreement to establish a House and Senate conference committee that is charged with pulling together a bipartisan budget plan.

The Nation

Sign the petition to save Doctors Medical Center in San Pablo

RNs from Doctors Medical Center (DMC) are fighting to keep this critical facility open. Nurses are urging Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to assume authority of DMC, which has 79 percent of the hospital beds and 60 percent of the emergency care in the region. Closure would be a healthcare catastrophe!

California Nurses Association

Nurses outside hospital

Statement by RN's at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital as provided to National Nurses United

This is an inside story from some registered nurses at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas who have familiarity with what occurred at the hospital following the positive Ebola infection of first the late Thomas Eric Duncan and then a registered nurse who cared for him Nina Pham.

National Nurses United

RN Delegation Lobbies, Protests in Sacramento to Stop TPP, Fast Track

Dozens of nurses and supporters gathered Tuesday in Sacramento, to protest what they say is the REAL “trade” being faced by the U.S. and 11 other countries, under an impending, secretive trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Public health in exchange for corporate profits.

California Nurses Association

Don Nielsen - Part 4 - SB466 - CA Board Sunset

Part 4 of Legislative conversation with Don Nielsen, Director of Government Relations for CNA. Don talks about a "Sunset" provision that might do away with the California Board of Nursing. Interesting!

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses Speak Out at Cal/OSHA Public Hearing: Urge Speedy Passage of Violence Prevention Regulations

A large contingent of nurses from throughout California, clad in red scrubs, marched through the Capital mall in Sacramento yesterday chanting “Workplace violence on the rise, prevention is our key to survive!” as they made their way to the Cal/OSHA public hearing on workplace violence prevention. Once they arrived at the State Resources Building, the nurses, members of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, filled the hearing chambers and lined up at the podium to urge that the Cal/OSHA's Standards Board swiftly adopt the proposed regulations on workplace violence prevention.

National Nurses United

Nurses fighting for Medicare For All on DNC Platform

Our Healthcare In America correspondent Donna Smith urges all to contact Democratic National Committee about omission or refusal to include Medicare For All on the DNC Platform.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

California’s Prop. 61 Offers Opportunity to Take on Big Pharma

While the world is watching the Presidential race Tuesday night, another election battle in California provides a window in the ability of voters to challenge corporate power – in this case one of the most abusive industries in the world, big pharma.

RoseAnn DeMoro writing for Common Dreams

A Conversation With NNU Co-President Jean Ross About The Keystone Pipeline

The corrosive tar sands oil that is extracted, transported, and refined for the Keystone project is a major contributor to climate change.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio