Press releases

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NNU Director RoseAnn DeMoro Named to Top 100 Most Influential Healthcare List for 11th Straight Year

National Nurses United Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro has won national recognition once again as one of the “100 Most Influential People in Healthcare” – the only advocate for nurses or other working people on a list published annually by Modern Healthcare, a prominent national healthcare industry publication.

August 27, 2012

RNs Denounce Sutter’s Devastating Closure of Major Unit for Chronic Severely Ill Patients

Registered nurses from throughout the Bay Area will join their Sutter nurse colleagues Thursday in front of Herrick Hospital to protest the large hospital chain’s closure of another vital healthcare service, the pulmonary sub-acute unit (PSAU), the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today.

CNA Press Release
August 23, 2012

Children to Hold Lemonade Stand to Fight to Keep Kaiser Hayward’s Pediatrics Unit Open

HAYWARD-Children, parents, and concerned community members along with RNs will be picketing and selling lemonade Wednesday at noon to protest Kaiser Permanente’s plans to close in 2014 the pediatrics unit in Hayward, for children in need of hospitalization, the California Nurses Association/ National Nurses United announced today. Wednesday’s action is part of a growing and heated battle to keep the unit open;in mid-April a spirited protest was attended by more than 400 people.

CNA press release
August 20, 2012

Save Our State from the Bungling Billionaires

Nurses, Teachers, Scour Yacht Club Tuesday to Expose Secret Wealthy Donors to Anti-Prop. 30 Campaign

CNA press release
August 20, 2012

Nurses: Collective Bargaining Keeps Our Patients Safe

Citizens should be allowed to vote on protecting the collective bargaining rights that enable nurses to protect patients and negotiate for safe staffing that saves lives, members of Michigan’s largest association of registered nurses said today.

Michigan Nurses Association
August 16, 2012

Michigan RNs, patients gain with new contract

MUSKEGON – The registered nurses at Mercy Health Partners-Hackley Campus have negotiated a new contract that improves patient-to-nurse staffing and creates a safe environment for nurses and patients. “Nurses know how many patients a nurse cares for at one time makes a difference in how well that patient can be treated,” said Cindra Bringedahl, an RN working in the Endoscopy unit. “Having appropriate staffing means that we will have enough nurses to take care of our patients.”

Michigan Nurses Assoc. Press Release
August 15, 2012

New Report: California Non-Profit Hospitals Save Billions While Providing Little Charity Care

Private, not-for-profit hospitals, which dominate the California hospital landscape, rack up tax exemption benefits of close to $2 billion a year beyond what they return to communities in charity care, according to a new report released today.

IHSP: Institute for Health & Socio-Economic Policy
August 15, 2012

Sacramento Hearing, Rally Wednesday: What Do Hospitals Provide in Return for Non-Profit Status?

Do California not-for-profit hospitals return an equitable benefit to the state and local communities for the huge tax privileges they receive for their nonprofit status? Do they provide sufficient levels of charity care? Are they publicly accountable? Are their actions adequately measurable and transparent?

CNA Press Release
August 14, 2012

RNs Oppose Prop. 32

Would Erode Voice of Nurses, Further Shift Policy Influence to Corporate Interests. Calling the proposal a “cynical fraud that would silence the voices of nurses and other workers in public policy,” the California Nurses Association today announced it is joining with labor, community, consumer, and good government organizations to oppose Proposition 32 on the state’s November election ballot.

CNA Press Release
August 14, 2012

Nation’s Largest Nurses Organization Backs Raul Grijalva

Calling him one of the “premiere advocates for nurses and working people in the U.S. Congress,” National Nurses United, the nation’s largest union and professional association of registered nurses, today announced its endorsement of Rep. Raul Grijalva for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.

CNA Press Release
August 14, 2012