Press releases

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Baystate Franklin Medical Center Nurses Vote to Settle Negotiations Through Binding Arbitration

FRANKLIN, MA -- Nurses at Baystate Franklin Medical Center voted overwhelmingly on September 3 to submit their proposals to a neutral arbitrator for resolution of the contract negotiations which have been ongoing for nearly two years.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/NNU
September 4, 2013

New Four-Year Pact for 12,000 California and Nevada Dignity RNs

Registered nurses at one of the nation’s largest hospital systems, Dignity Health, have reached a major new tentative collective bargaining contract covering some 12,000 RNs at 28 Dignity hospitals in California and Nevada that nurses say is a sharp break from a concessionary spiral so prevalent among many employers in healthcare and other sectors.

National Nurses United
August 28, 2013

Cypress Fairbanks RNs Approve New Pact with Houston Hospital

Registered nurses at Houston’s Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center voted unanimously Monday night to approve a new collective bargaining agreement with the hospital, extending the only private union contract for nurses in America’s fourth largest city.

August 27, 2013

Sutter's $1 Billion Boondoggle

Sutter's $1 Billion Boondoggle-New Electronic Records System Goes Dark

A controversial electronic health records system on which Sutter corporation has said it is spending $1 billion went completely dark Monday at Sutter hospitals in Northern California exposing patients to additional risk beyond problems reported with the system in July, registered nurses reported yesterday. For several months RNs have cited multiple problems with the new system, known as Epic, with safe care delivery that the California Nurses Association says is increasingly troublesome.

California Nurses Association
August 27, 2013

Another Accolade for National Nurses United Director, RoseAnn DeMoro

For the 12th consecutive year, National Nurses United Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro has been deemed one of the 100 most influential people in healthcare in the U.S., once again named to a list published today by Modern Healthcare, a prominent national healthcare industry publication.

August 26, 2013

National Nurses Join DC Action to Reclaim Dr. King’s Dream

Washington, DC – This Saturday, Aug. 24, members of National Nurses United, the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in the country, will join hands with thousands of activists from coast to coast in the historic commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s March for Jobs and Freedom.

National Nurses United
August 23, 2013

Palomar Health RNs, Caregivers Call Tentative Agreement a Win for Public Safety

Eight tough months of negotiations for registered nurses and service and technical staff that included protests at hospital board meetings, an overwhelming vote of no confidence in management, and caregivers’ resolve to protect patient care have culminated in tentative agreements with Palomar Health District, the California Nurses Association (CNA) and Caregiver and Healthcare Employees Union (CHEU) announced today.

California Nurses Association / CHEU
August 16, 2013


Nurses Unveil Bold New Ad Charting Third Way in Healthcare Debate

“Our taxes should pay for our healthcare: Seniors have it. Congress has it. Other countries have it. Why not the rest of us?” Challenging policymakers to heed the advice of America’s registered nurses to guarantee healthcare for all, National Nurses United (NNU) is sending a message to House Speaker John Boehner and other members of Congress and the administration.

National Nurses United
August 8, 2013

Ventura RNs Sound Alarm on Patient Care Conditions at County Health System

Nurses in trauma units working up to nine short while executives given 10% Raises. Registered Nurses who work throughout the Ventura County have taken a vote of “no confidence” in the health systems administration leadership in a week-long vote conducted throughout the county’s various healthcare facilities. The 800 RNs and other caregivers are represented by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United.

California Nurses Association
August 6, 2013

To Protect Patients and Improve Care, Massachusetts Nurses File Ballot Initiative for Safer Staffing

CANTON, Mass. — In response to deteriorating patient care conditions in the state’s acute care hospitals the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MNA/NNU) announced today that it is filing a ballot initiative, the Patient Safety Act, that would dramatically improve patient safety in Massachusetts hospitals by setting a safe maximum limit on the number of patients assigned to a nurse at one time, while also requiring hospitals to adjust nurses’ patient assignments based on the specific needs of the patients.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/NNU
August 5, 2013