Press releases

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Bill to Strengthen Workplace Violence Prevention in CA Hospitals Advances Again in Legislature

Legislation to assure California hospitals have stronger measures to reduce workplace violence incidents continues to move forward in the California state legislature as it passed its second Assembly test today. Senate Bill 1299, introduced by Sen. Alex Padilla, and sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, was approved by the Assembly Health Committee today, and heads next to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration, probably later this summer. The bill won approval by the California Senate last month.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

Registered Nurses Applaud Cal/OSHA's Adoption of Stronger Safe Patient Handling Regulations

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted Thursday to adopt new regulations on safe patient handling that are designed to protect registered nurses and other healthcare workers from patient handling injuries and to provide patients with safe and appropriate care. The board also granted a petition, submitted by the California Nurses Association, requesting that the Cal/OSHA Standards Board establish standards for violence prevention in healthcare workplaces.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

RNs, Community Leaders to Hold Vigil at St. Louise in Gilroy Thursday

Registered nurses, joined by local community leaders, will hold a vigil Thursday at St. Louise Regional Hospital in Gilroy, to demand the Daughters of Charity Health System be held to its pledge to protect critical hospital services at St. Louise and several other facilities. For more than a year, Daughters of Charity has been actively soliciting a buy-out partner while failing to make any commitments to the communities served by Daughters hospitals that full services will be maintained.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

Registered Nurses Urge Cal/OSHA to Adopt Proposed Stronger Safe Patient Handling Regulations

Registered nurses, affiliated with the California Nurses Association, traveled to Sacramento from throughout the state today to urge the Cal/OSHA Board to adopt new regulations on safe patient handling and to petition regulators to establish standards for workplace violence prevention. The proposed safe patient handling regulations are designed to protect registered nurses and other healthcare workers from patient handling injuries and to provide patients with safe and appropriate care. The regulations were developed over the past year to enforce Assembly Bill 1136, the Hospital Patient and Health Care Worker Injury Protection Act.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

50,000 Signatures Gathered For 2 Ballot Initiatives Ensuring That They Go Before the Voters in Nov.

The Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today that it has collected and will submit the final round of signatures needed for two ballot initiatives that will dramatically improve patient safety in Massachusetts’ hospitals and ensure that tax dollars for health care are used for patient care not excessive CEO compensation or accounts in the Cayman Islands.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
June 17, 2014

Nurses Plan Bake Sale to Raise Money for Wheelchairs and Supplies for MedStar Washington Hospital

MedStar Washington Hospital registered nurses, affiliated with National Nurses United, will conduct a bake sale on Monday to raise funds to help the hospital purchase working wheelchairs and other basic supplies. Nurses working at the region’s largest medical center have reported a critical shortage of basic equipment and supplies that are needed to adequately care for patients.

National Nurses United
June 13, 2014

Bill to Step Up Violence Prevention in California Hospitals Continues to Advance in Legislature

Legislation to assure California hospitals have stronger measures to reduce workplace violence incidents continues to move forward in the California state legislature as it passed its first Assembly test Wednesday. Senate Bill 1299, introduced by Sen. Alex Padilla, and sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, was approved by the Assembly Labor Committee Wednesday, and now heads to the Assembly Health Committee next week. The bill won approval by the California Senate last month.

California Nurses Association
June 12, 2014

VA Nurses Urge U.S. Senate to Stand Up for Quality Care, Proper Funding for VA Facilities

The nation’s largest organization of registered nurses, which also represents thousands of Veterans Affairs RNs, today called for substantial increases in funding at VA hospitals to ensure that veterans get the care they need – and offered qualified support for a proposal announced last week by Senators Bernie Sanders and John McCain to address the much discussed problems at VA facilities. National Nurses United also urged management reforms for the VA and a measure to ensure that nurses are empowered to advocate for quality care for patients. NNU said it opposes proposals that might decrease the quality of care by allowing VA funds to be used at private health care corporations.

National Nurses United
June 10, 2014

7 in 10 Doctors Favor Pending Legislation to Call for Greater Transparency of Hospital Finances

Survey findings released as hospital CEOs gather for three days of golf, fine dining and networking at the luxurious chatham bars inn on Cape Cod. As well-heeled hospital CEOs plan to gather for three days of golf, lavish receptions and networking at one the state’s most luxurious resorts on the Cape, a new survey of the state’s doctors finds that most doctors (58%) have seen these executives cut valuable patient care services in order to increase profits, and 7 in 10 believe that greater transparency of hospital finances would help protect funding for needed services.

Massachusettes Nurses Association - National Nurses United
June 10, 2014

Nurses' statement on GOP lawmakers mocking women on the House Floor

The following statement from the Michigan Nurses Association is from Julia Morrissey, RN. She and other registered nurses were participating in a Lobby Day at the Capitol today to advocate for the Safe Patient Care Act (safe nurse-patient ratios in hospitals).

Julia Morrissey, Michigan Nurses Association
June 5, 2014