Press releases

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Nurses Support Steelworkers Oil Fight for Fair Refinery Contract

NNU is especially alarmed at the serious threat for workers and residents of local communities near the refineries posed by unsafe staffing levels, excessive worker overtime demands, and the reports of daily occurrences of fires, emissions, leaks and explosions that put tens of thousands of people in danger.

National Nurses United
February 9, 2015

Hospital Giant Community Health Systems Ordered to Pay $2 Million For RN Fired

A civil jury has ordered an Ohio hospital, part of one of the most notorious anti-union hospital chains in the U.S., to pay over $2 million in damages for its actions against Ann Wayt, an Ohio registered nurse it fired, illegally sought to have her nursing license revoked, and then defamed in retaliation for her outspoken patient advocacy and support for her union.

National Nurses United
February 9, 2015

CHS Ordered to Pay $2 Million For Ohio RN Fired and Defamed for Patient Advocacy, Union Activity

A civil jury has ordered an Ohio hospital, part of one of the most notorious anti-union hospital chains in the U.S., to pay over $2 million in damages for its actions against Ann Wayt, an Ohio nurse it fired, illegally sought to have her nursing license revoked, and then defamed in retaliation for her outspoken patient advocacy and support for her union.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - Ohio
February 6, 2015

Salinas RNs Endorse Community Mediator to Settle Contract Dispute

Following 10 months of contentious talks that have failed to produce movement by stubborn hospital officials on demands that registered nurses say would jeopardize patient safety, including a management plan to eliminate about 10 percent of all bedside nurses at the hospital, Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital RNs said today that they support a proposal by State Assembly member Luis Alejo for a community mediator to work to resolve the dispute.

February 3, 2015

University of Chicago Nurses Vote To Authorize a Strike

Registered nurses at the University of Chicago Medical Center overwhelming turned out on Thursday and voted by 95% to authorize nurse negotiators to call a one-day strike, if necessary, to protest the Medical Center's refusal to address staffing and patient care concerns that nurses say jeopardize the health and safety of both patients and nurses.

National Nurses United
January 30, 2015

Nurses and Veterans Call for Immediate Action to Improve Patient Care at Cincinnati VA

Registered nurses who work throughout the Cincinnati Veterans Administration Healthcare system will hold an informational picket Friday to draw attention to eroding patient care conditions, including chronic short staffing and barriers facing veterans who seek care at the Cincinnati VA.

National Nurses United
January 28, 2015

• Veterans Affairs

National Nurses Announce Donation to Ebola Health Work in West Africa

National Nurses United today announced a donation of $40,000 to the disaster relief organization International Medical Corps, which is on the front lines of the Ebola response, for its continued efforts to eradicate the deadly virus in West Africa.

National Nurses United
January 27, 2015

Press Conference and Job Fair - Monday 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m

As the hospitals in Sanford and the surrounding area experience an influx of patients, RNs at Central Florida Regional Hospital will hold a press conference and job fair on January 26 to recruit for much needed staff. The hospital currently has 116 vacancies ranging from managers to secretaries, including both full time and part-time positions.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - Forida
January 23, 2015

Nurses: Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street Needed for Broad Economic Reform

National Nurses United today welcomed President Obama’s call to reduce income inequality in the U.S. through new taxes on financial institutions and the wealthiest Americans as a “fresh start,” but called on the White House and Congress to go farther and adopt a robust tax on Wall Street speculation to raise the “real revenue needed to repair the U.S. economy and meet the human needs still neglected by the Wall Street-created economic crash.

National Nurses United
January 21, 2015

Newton Wellesley Hospital Nurses Go Public With Concerns About Patient Safety

The registered nurses of Newton Wellesley Hospital represented by the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MNA/NNU), recently began a campaign to alert the public about a potentially dangerous plan by Partners Health Care to reduce RN staffing levels and increase nurses’ patient assignments in the facility’s busy emergency department.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
January 21, 2015