Press releases

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Large group of nurses and care givers outside hospital

Registered nurses and caregivers vote overwhelmingly to ratify new contracts at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland

Members of California Nurses Association and Caregivers and Healthcare Employees Union at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland voted overwhelmingly in favor of ratifying new three-year contracts, winning protections to improve patient safety and nurse retention

California Nurses Association/Caregivers and Healthcare Employees Union
July 21, 2023


Graphic: Nurses Support SAG AFTRA Members on Strike!

Nation's largest nurses union stands in solidarity with striking actors

National Nurses United and affiliates across the country stand in fierce solidarity with the striking members of SAG-AFTRA. Nurses know firsthand the importance of saying ‘Enough!’ to greedy employers, who refuse to respect the workers without whom their industries could not exist.

National Nurses United
July 20, 2023


Nurses on picket line

Saint Louis University Hospital nurses to hold informational picket to protest staffing crisis

Registered nurses at SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital in St. Louis, Mo., will hold an informational picket to demand that management address the staffing crisis at the facility and its impact on patient safety.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
July 17, 2023


arge group of nurses in front of camera holding signs "Protect Patients, Trust Nurses"

Portland nurses and clinicians demand removal of management team to protect patients

Registered nurses and clinicians who work for MaineHealth Care at Home (MHCAH) in Portland, Maine, held a rally and speak-out today to demand the removal of the management team at the home health services agency.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
July 14, 2023


Three nurses holding signs calling for safety from workplace violence

Rocky Mountain Regional VA registered nurses demand management address epidemic of workplace violence

RNs at Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in Aurora, Colo., are planning to hold a rally to demand that management address the epidemic of violence at the facility and take meaningful steps to provide a safe workplace for health care professionals and a safe place of healing for veterans.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
July 13, 2023

• Veterans Affairs, • NNOC

Group of four nurses inside hospital hold signs "Save Our Community Hospital: Save Hazel Hawkins"

Hazel Hawkins nurses invite community to join informational picket

Following a standing-room only town hall to inform the public of how the Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital bankruptcy filing is deteriorating patient care, registered nurses are inviting the community to join an informational picket on Monday, July 10.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
July 7, 2023


Four nurses with raisded fists hold signs in support of safe staffing ratios

Northern Light AR Gould nurses ratify new contract with strong measures to improve patient safety, RN retention

Registered nurses at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital in Presque Isle, Maine, voted overwhelmingly in favor of ratifying a new four-year contract, winning protections to improve patient safety and nurse retention.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
July 7, 2023


Three nurses hold signs "Save Our Community Hospital: Save Hazel Hawkins"

Hazel Hawkins nurses to host town hall meeting following hospital’s bankruptcy filing and RNs no confidence vote in the health district

Nurses at county's only acute-care hospital demand Hazel Hawkins remain fully open, pointing to robust financial statements.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
July 5, 2023

• CNA, • NNU

Group of nurses arm-in-arm outside

GWUH RNs vote yes to the union

George Washington University Hospital nurses voted overwhelmingly to elect the District of Columbia Nurses Association as their collective bargaining representative. Nurses voted 310-207 in favor of the union, making clear their desire to be represented by DCNA.

District of Columbia Nurses Association
July 1, 2023


The front of the US Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.

National Nurses United condemns Supreme Court decisions on affirmative action, student loan forgiveness, LGBTQIA+ discrimination

This Supreme Court actively promotes inequality, oppression, and discrimination. As nurses, we are advocates for our patients, communities, and ourselves.

National Nurses United
June 30, 2023