Press Release
Union nurses endorse Congresswoman Cori Bush for re-election

National Nurses United (NNU), the largest union of registered nurses in the United States, today announced they have endorsed Congresswoman Cori Bush for re-election in Missouri’s 1st Congressional District, where she has fought to protect nurses and patients with real solutions that comprehensively address the nurse staffing crisis, strengthen unions, protect working families, and guarantee health care for all.
“NNU is proud to endorse the first nurse and the first Black woman to ever represent Missouri in federal office,” said NNU President Nancy Hagans, RN. “The Congresswoman has been steadfast in upholding nurses’ values of health care for all, reproductive freedom, clean air and water in our communities, and good-paying union jobs. As a longtime patient and community advocate, she consistently stands up to powerful special interests and corporations. A vote for Cori Bush is a vote for continued progress in St. Louis, where residents can be proud of their member of Congress. That is why, today, nurses stand with Cori Bush.”
“I am proud to receive the endorsement of National Nurses United, who is leading the fight for equitable pay, safe working conditions, fully staffed hospitals, and Medicare for All so that our St. Louis community can receive the healthcare they both need and deserve. As a nurse, I've worked long, grueling hours on my feet just to make ends meet while my patients ration medication and skip treatments because they couldn't afford it. Together, we will continue to fight for a holistic healthcare system and hospitals that work for providers, staff and the people entrusted in their care, not the profits of shareholders,” Congresswoman Bush said.
NNU supports candidates who are committed to building a broad movement for transformative social change that includes safe patient staffing in all hospitals across the country, protecting the rights of workers to organize, and guaranteeing health care to everyone. NNU looks forward to helping re-elect Cori Bush and continuing to work closely with her in Congress on the important issues that affect registered nurses, our patients, and our communities.
In a recent Gallup poll, nurses were voted the most trusted profession in the United States for the 22nd consecutive year. Nurses across the country trust Congresswoman Bush as the candidate who embodies their values of caring, compassion, and community.
NNU represents nearly 225,000 nurses across the nation and advocates for policies and legislation that improves the lives of nurses and communities everywhere.
National Nurses United is the largest and fastest-growing union and professional association of registered nurses in the United States with nearly 225,000 members nationwide. NNU affiliates include California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, DC Nurses Association, Michigan Nurses Association, Minnesota Nurses Association, and New York State Nurses Association.