Press releases

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Actors to Perform ‘The People Speak’ at People’s Summit in Chicago, Along with Music Concert

An all-star lineup of renown artists will join in a special performance of dramatic readings of U.S. history Saturday night June 18 in Chicago, a key highlight of the People’s Summit gathering of progressive community leaders and activists to step up movement building in the aftermath of the enormous populist upsurge in the 2016 Presidential primary campaign.

National Nurses United
June 10, 2016

What’s Next for the Populist Movement?

At a pivotal moment in a year which has seen enormous populist upsurge in the 2016 Presidential campaign, an all star line up of progressive and community leaders and activists will gather in Chicago June 17-19 for a People’s Summit.

National Nurses United
June 10, 2016

Nurses: Don’t Let Them Silence Your Voice – Your Vote Matters

National Nurses United today urged voters in six primary states set to cast ballots today for Senator Bernie Sanders to get to the polls and rebuke the effort of the major media to say their votes no longer matter.

National Nurses United
June 7, 2016

TAMC Nurses to March For Safe Staffing, Safe Patient Care

Nurses represented by the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNU) have been in contract negotiations with TAMC since early April. Nurses are asking for provisions that would ensure safe staffing at the medical center—by including improved nurse-to-patient ratios and factoring in the staffing necessary to care for patients at more severe levels of illness or injury.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - MSNA
June 6, 2016

Nurses #BernieBus Accelerates its Get-Out-the Vote Campaign For Sanders with Stop at Cal. State

With the latest polls showing Senator Bernie Sanders ahead with a one point lead in California, the National Nurses United (NNU) members are accelerating their Get-Out-the-Vote efforts in the final few days before the June 7 primary.

National Nurses United
June 3, 2016

Huntington Memorial Hospital Agrees to Rescind Illegal Firing of RNs, Proceed to New Union Election

The California Nurses Association and the administration of Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena reached a settlement agreement yesterday just days before National Labor Relations Board trial scheduled to begin in Los Angeles on June 6.

California Nurses Association
June 1, 2016

June 1: National Day of Action For Fair Working Conditions at CHS Hospitals

On June 1, registered nurses in California, Ohio, and West Virginia will be participating in a national day of action to call for safe patient care and fair treatment of RNs at Community Health Systems and Quorum Health Corporation facilities—stating that the for-profit corporations are not making patients their first priority.

National Nurses United
June 1, 2016

Nurses in CA, OH and WV Call for Safe Staffing, Fair Working Conditions at CHS, Quorum Health

On June 1, registered nurses in California, Ohio, and West Virginia will be participating in a national day of action to call for safe patient care and fair treatment of RNs at Community Health Systems and Quorum Health Corporation facilities—stating that the for-profit corporations are not making patients their first priority.

National Nurses United
May 31, 2016

BernieBus Brings its Campaign For Sanders to San Diego

The registered nurses, members of National Nurses United are bringing their campaign in support of Senator Bernie Sanders to San Diego County Thursday with stops at UC San Diego campus and UCSD Medical Center.

National Nurses United
May 26, 2016

Nurses Call for Improvements in Staffing at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital to Ensure Quality Care

Registered nurses at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital will hold an informational picket today, to protest growing problems with short staffing and unsafe working conditions at the hospital.

California Nurses Association
May 25, 2016