Press releases

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Essex County Legislators Call on Holy Family Hospital at Merrimack to Negotiate a Fair Contract

The state legislative delegation this week sent a letter to the Steward Holy Family Hospital at Merrimack Valley's (HFHMV) president, Joseph Roach, urging him to “negotiate a fair contract with the nurses so they can continue to provide the best care to the people of our communities.”

David Schildmeier and Joe Markman, Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
July 21, 2016

Nurses to Co-Host Sanders-Sponsored Convention Forum On Guaranteed Healthcare/Medicare for All

National Nurses United will co-host a forum Monday on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention on the road ahead to continue the campaign for guaranteed healthcare through an improved and expanded Medicare for all.

National Nurses United
July 21, 2016

Nurses Call on Berkeley City Council to Demand Sutter End Plans to Close Alta Bates Hospital

Prodded on by a room full of registered nurses and community supporters, the Berkeley City Council Tuesday night unanimously passed a resolution opposing Sutter Health’s plans to close Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley and to “cease and desist all actions in furtherance” of plans to shut down the hospital.

California Nurses Association
July 13, 2016

TAMC Nurses Set Two-Day Strike, July 22-23

With no significant progress at the bargaining table since their overwhelming recent vote to authorize a strike, TAMC nurses delivered a 10-day notice yesterday of their intent to strike on July 22 and 23—and have made an unconditional offer to return on July 24.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - MSNA
July 13, 2016

National Nurses United Statement on Latest Plague of Shootings

National Nurses United adds its voice to Americans across the political spectrum who are appalled at the shootings this week in Louisiana, Minnesota, and Texas.

National Nurses United
July 12, 2016

St. Joseph Health Nurses Vote by 97 Percent Statewide to Authorize Potential Strikes

Nurses at St. Joseph Hospital (Eureka), Queen of the Valley (Napa) and St. Mary’s (Apple Valley) recently conducted strike votes, and the result statewide was a resounding 97 percent yes vote in favor of authorizing strikes, if necessary, California Nurses Association (CNA) announced today.

California Nurses Association
July 12, 2016

National Nurses United Petitions Federal OSHA for Workplace Violence Prevention Standard

In light of a growing national epidemic of workplace violence against registered nurses and healthcare workers, National Nurses United (NNU) is petitioning the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for a formal workplace violence prevention standard, NNU announced today.

National Nurses United
July 11, 2016

St. Louis University Hospital RNs Hold Informational Picket To Highlight Consistent Understaffing

Registered nurses at Saint Louis University Hospital (SLUH) will hold an informational picket and rally at the hospital on Monday, July 11, National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) announced today—to highlight unsafe staffing conditions, which are leading to the loss of experienced RNs, due to nurse burnout.

National Nurses United
July 8, 2016

CA Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, NNU Exec. Dir. RoseAnn DeMoro Call for Medicare for All in DNC Platform

California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and National Nurses United Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro today issued a joint public call to the Democratic Party Platform Committee meeting in Orlando to place support for an improved Medicare for all in the party platform.

National Nurses United
July 8, 2016

Nurses Call on Attorney General to Deny Bid by St. Agnes Hospital, Fresno to Reduce its Charity Care

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today called on California Attorney General Kamala Harris to reject a request by St. Agnes Medical Center (SAMC) in Fresno to reduce the amount of its charity care and community benefit.

California Nurses Association
July 7, 2016