Press releases

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Maine Nurses, Allies Rally to Demand Senator Collins Attend a People’s Forum on Healthcare

On Saturday, February 18th, members of The Maine Health Care is a Human Right Coalition—led by the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNU), the Southern Maine Workers’ Center, and Maine AllCare—will hold a rally and march calling on Senator Susan Collins to attend a healthcare forum where she will hear directly from constituents on the importance of universal, publicly funded healthcare for all.

Maine State Nurses Assoc.
February 17, 2017

Rep. Ellison Reintroduces Financial Transaction Tax

WASHINGTON - Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) introduced legislation that would raise billions to invest in our economy by taxing Wall Street financial transactions. The Inclusive Prosperity Act (H.R. 1144/S. 434) would tax the sale of stocks, bonds and derivatives. The tax imposed will be 0.5 percent on stocks, 0.1 percent on bonds, and 0.005 percent on derivatives or other investments.

Rep. Keith Ellison
February 17, 2017

Nurses Applaud Keith Ellison on Renewed Bill to Set Fee on Wall Street Speculation

National Nurses United today welcomed the re-introduction of federal legislation from Rep. Keith Ellison with 17 House co-sponsors, that could raise hundreds of billions of dollars annually to fund critical social needs with a small tax on Wall Street speculation.

National Nurses United
February 17, 2017

Breakthrough – RNs at Major Kaiser LA Hospital Announce Tentative Agreement

Registered nurses at Kaiser Permanente’s Southern California flagship hospital, Los Angeles Medical Center, have won their tentative collective bargaining agreement with the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United.

California Nurses Association
February 16, 2017

Nurses Urge Senate to Reject Pruitt for Critical EPA Post

With the defeat of fast food CEO Andrew Puzder to head the Department of Labor, National Nurses United today stepped up opposition to the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

National Nurses United
February 15, 2017

See What’s at Stake in the Health Care Fight With Clearly Outlined, Shareable Data

As the debate heats up on the Trump administration/congressional push to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, National Nurses United invites you to consider how the discussion will affect American families and individuals.

National Nurses United
February 14, 2017

Ohio Bill Seeks Safety Limits on Number of Patients Assigned to RNs

On Feb. 14, registered nurses with National Nurses Organizing Committee-Ohio/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) and elected officials will gather at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, to mark the reintroduction by Senator Michael Skindell of the Ohio Patient Protection Act—a bill which sets specific limits on how many patients nurses can care for at once, in hospitals throughout Ohio.

National Nurses United
February 13, 2017

NNU Nurses Say “Ellison for DNC Chair” This Weekend at Baltimore DNC Future Forum

On Saturday, February 11, registered nurses with National Nurses United (NNU) will converge in Baltimore to show their support for Keith Ellison for chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Ellison will be taking part in the DNC Future Forum—featuring candidates for DNC chair and other offices.

National Nurses United
February 10, 2017

Nurses: Puzder Nomination a Direct Assault on Women, Workers

President Trump’s nomination of fast food titan Andrew Puzder to lead the U.S. Department of Labor is a colossal affront to women and all workers and should be rejected by the U.S. Senate, said National Nurses United today, in advance of Puzder’s first confirmation hearing February 16.

National Nurses United
February 9, 2017

Registered Nurses at Holy Cross Hospital to Rally for Safe Patient Care and Union Organizing Rights

Registered nurses working at Holy Cross Hospital, joined by members of the community, will rally Monday, February 13th for safe patient care and to defend their right to organize a union free of management harassment, interference and intimidation.

National Nurses United
February 9, 2017