Press releases

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RNs on the ground in Puerto Rico

Nurses Demand Congress Act to Avert Further Public Health Calamity in Puerto Rico

In a letter to all members of Congress today, National Nurses United, whose disaster relief organization has placed 50 volunteer RNs on the ground in Puerto Rico, is pressing Congress to “take imme

October 11, 2017

Nurse Volunteers in Puerto Rico Call For Escalation of Relief Efforts Amid Dire Conditions

Nearly three weeks after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, registered nurse volunteers on the ground continue to sound the alarm about dire conditions and countless numbers of residents still in desperate need for assistance amid a federal relief effort that has failed to reach many people in need.

Registered Nurse Response Network
October 10, 2017


Medicare for All thumbnail image

Medicare-for-All Supporters Plan Over 100 Grassroots Actions in All 80 California Assembly Districts

The California Nurses Association, Healthy California campaign, Our Revolution and #KnockEveryDoor will hold grassroots actions, including canvassing, on Oct. 14 and 15 in all 80 state Assembly districts, to engage residents with the Medicare-for-All movement and the campaign for SB 562.

California Nurses Association
October 10, 2017

NNU Endorses Bryan Caforio, Medicare for All Advocate for Congress in Northern LA County District

Citing his support for Medicare for all, National Nurses United (NNU) today announced its endorsement of Bryan Caforio for Congress in California’s 25th Congressional District, which covers parts of northern Los Angeles and parts of Ventura County.

California Nurses Association
October 10, 2017

Nurses in Puerto Rico Warn Dire Conditions, Slow Relief Effort Posing Urgent Health, Safety Crisis

Registered nurses volunteers on the ground in Puerto Rico are warning that dire conditions, and a glacially slow federal relief effort, are threatening a growing health calamity for millions of residents, warns National Nurses United.

Registered Nurse Response Network/RNRN
October 9, 2017


Enfermeras registradas voluntarias

Enfermeras se une a la movilización AFL-CIO hacia Puerto Rico para una misión de ayuda humanitaria

Una gran delegación de 50 enfermeras registradas voluntarias de todo EE.UU. se unió a una misión humanitaria única multi-sindical de dos semanas rumbo a Puerto Rico el miércoles por la mañana para brindar atención médica en la actual crisis humanitaria tras el paso del huracán María.

National Nurses United
October 6, 2017


Nurses Beat Back Retaliatory Insurance Increases

Nurses at Millinocket Regional Hospital have ended their employer’s bid to impose hikes on the nurses’ insurance premiums. The increases went into effect on August 1 and are believed by nurses to be in retaliation for their patient safety demands during contract bargaining.

Maine State Nurses Association
October 5, 2017

National Nurses United Endorses Ben Jealous for Governor of Maryland

“Nurses are proud to endorse former NAACP President Ben Jealous for Governor because of his inspiring vision for Maryland and his track record of activism and advocacy for social, economic, and racial justice,” said Sandy Falwell, RN, a resident of Clinton, Md., and an NNU vice president.

National Nurses United
October 5, 2017

Huge Team of Registered Nurses Join AFL-CIO Mobilization to Puerto Rico for Two-Week Relief Mission

A large delegation of 50 volunteer registered nurses from across the U.S. joined a unique, multi-union two-week disaster relief effort heading to Puerto Rico Wednesday morning to provide medical aid in the wake of the ongoing humanitarian crisis following Hurricane Maria.

Registered Nurse Response Network/RNRN
October 4, 2017


Florida RNs Deploying to Puerto Rico With Registered Nurse Response Network

Registered nurses departed from Tampa and Orlando Florida today to join a delegation of up to 50 volunteer registered nurses from across the U.S. headed to Puerto Rico with the Registered Nurse Response Network.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United - Florida
October 3, 2017