Press releases

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No Medical Redlining - Keep Alta Bates Open!

Sunday Nov. 5 Stroller Brigade and Rally in Berkeley to Save Alta Bates Medical Center - Birthplace of the East Bay

On Sunday Nov. 5, community members, elected officials and registered nurses will hold a rally and march led by a brigade of strollers, on Sunday, Nov. 5, in Berkeley to protest Sutter Health's proposed closure of Alta Bates Medical Center.

California Nurses Association
November 2, 2017

Cathy Kennedy, RN, at Capitol Hill press conference

RN Leader, Back from 2-Week Puerto Rico Mission, to Testify to Congress Thursday on Public Health Crisis

A registered nurse leader, recently returned from spending two weeks coordinating teams of healthcare professionals in a disaster response mission in Puerto Rico, will testify before Congress Thursday on the ongoing humanitarian crisis on the island and the need for more help.

RN Response Network
November 1, 2017


Safe Staffing Now

Kaiser Nurses to Hold Information Pickets Across CA Thursday for Safer Care

With what nurses say is a growing erosion of care conditions in Kaiser Permanente hospitals and clinics—especially egregious, according to nurses, in light of Kaiser’s $2.5 billion in profits in the last six months—Kaiser registered nurses and nurse practitioners will hold informational pickets at 22 medical centers across California on Thursday, November 2.

California Nurses Association
October 31, 2017

Our Community, Our Hospital

California Nurses Association Opposes Antelope Valley Healthcare District (AVHD) Measure H

The California Nurses Association /National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) today announced its opposition to Antelope Valley Healthcare District (AVHD) Measure H.

California Nurses Association /National Nurses United
October 27, 2017

Safe Patient Care Now

Maine Legislature's Failure to Consider Bill to Protect Rural Healthcare Will Have Devastating Impact on Rural Communities Say Nurses

Members of the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNU) say that the Legislative Committee’s failure to allow a critical bill to be taken up in the 2018 session, "An Act to Protect Rural Maine Healthcare," will have a very harmful impact on patients in rural Maine.

Maine State Nurses Association
October 27, 2017

Patient Need, Not CHS Greed

Community Health Systems faces up to $4.5 million in fines over alleged unfair labor practices toward nurses

One of the country’s largest for-profit hospital chains, Community Health Systems (CHS), and its affiliated hospital management arm Quorum Health Corporation, are facing projected fines of up to $4.5 million to settle more than 30 charges of unfair labor practices against registered nurses in West Virginia, Ohio, and California.

National Nurses Organizing Committee
October 26, 2017


RNs in the field in Puerto Rico

RN Volunteers Back from Puerto Rico to Speak Out on Ongoing, Worsening Public Health Crisis

Registered nurse volunteers recently returned from two weeks of providing nursing care and other disaster relief will join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress to speak

RN Response Network
October 26, 2017


Tricity nurses

RNs Reach Contract Agreement at Tri-City Medical Center in Oceanside Improved Recruitment and Retention Will Improve Patient Care

After 14 months of negotiations, registered nurses at Tri-City Medical Center have settled a 3.5 year agreement with major gains and a first-ever schedule for raises based on years of experience.

October 25, 2017

Sandy Falwell speaks at AFL-CIO convention

Nurses Welcome AFL-CIO Call for Medicare for All Resolution Pledges to Make Health Care for All a Reality

National Nurses United today hailed adoption of a resolution by the AFL-CIO at its convention in St. Louis, declaring that “we will support legislation that guarantees health care as a human right through an improved Medicare for All.”

National Nurses United
October 24, 2017

RNs and activists from across the state rally outside the State Capitol

Rallies to Support Single Payer Bill SB 562 Planned Oct. 23 and 24 at State Capitol to Coincide with Assembly Select Committee Hearings on Health Care

Diverse Coalition Criticizes Hearings as Woefully Incomplete, Promoting Counterfeit "alternatives" to SB 562 and Guaranteed Healthcare for all California Residents

California Nurses Association
October 20, 2017