Press releases

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Senator Bernie Sanders

National Strategy Call to Win Medicare for All, Tuesday, Nov. 13

The Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All is hosting a national strategy call, Tuesday, Nov. 13, to discuss next steps in organizing for Medicare for All, now that Democrats have won control of the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.

National Nurses United
November 12, 2018

VA RNs Deserve Respect Now

Registered Nurses Express Outrage as VA Announces Latest Effort to Deny Nurses Union Protections and Silence their Ability to Advocate for Best Patient Care Practices

Registered nurses with National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) are outraged by the latest union busting effort by this administration, an effort that aims to limit a Veteran Affairs nurse’s ability to advocate for the highest quality of patient care.

National Nurses United
November 9, 2018

• Veterans Affairs

Respect Nurses, Protect Patients

Additional 350 Registered Nurses at University of Chicago Medical Center Vote to Join National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United

An additional 350 registered nurses at University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) voted overwhelmingly this week to join National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU). The nurses will join the same bargaining unit as the 1,800 other UCMC registered nurses who are already part of NNOC/NNU.

National Nurses United
November 9, 2018

Nurses lobby legislators in Sacramento

CNA Welcomes Growth of Activism, Expanded Opportunities For Transformative Change in California and Nationally

With much of the national focus on changing control of the House, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today highlighted what may be the most significant, and lasting election d

California Nurses Association
November 7, 2018

Vote nurse values

NNU on Mid-Term Elections: Activism Grows, Expanding Opportunities For Transformative Change

With much of the national focus on changing control of the House, National Nurses United today highlighted what may be the most significant, and lasting election development–ongoing momentum for gr

National Nurses United
November 7, 2018

East D.C. Needs Hospitals

Nurses, Labor & Faith Leaders Renew Call on Mayor to Invoke Emergency Power to Keep Providence Hospital Open

Registered nurses and caregivers, along with community, faith and labor leaders, are renewing their call for Mayor Muriel Bowser to invoke the emergency legislation to keep Providence Hospital open as a fully functioning hospital with acute-care services.

National Nurses United
November 5, 2018

Hi-Desert Medical Center RNs celebrate

Hi-Desert Medical Center Nurses Ratify Contract

Registered nurses at Hi-Desert Medical Center in Joshua Tree are celebrating the overwhelming vote to approve their first contract with the California Nurses Association (CNA).

California Nurses Association
November 2, 2018

RNs testify before City Council on the attempt to close Providence Hospital

March on Mayor to Demand Action to Keep Providence Hospital Open

Registered nurses, and caregivers will join with faith and community leaders to deliver thousands of petitions to Mayor Muriel Bowser demanding she do all in her power to keep Providence Hospital open as a fully functioning hospital with acute-care services.

National Nurses United
November 1, 2018

Contra Costa nurses at voting box

Contra Costa County Nurses Ratify New Three-Year Contract

Contra Costa County registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners (NPs) and public health nurses (PHNs) voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year contract that supports patient safety, safe st

California Nurses Association
October 31, 2018

RNs cast their ballots at Research Medical Center

Nurses Overwhelmingly Vote to Ratify Contracts Covering 7,000 RNs at 17 HCA-Affiliated Hospitals in 5 States

Registered nurses at HCA-affiliated hospitals in Florida, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, and Nevada have voted overwhelmingly to ratify contracts featuring a number of innovations that will benefit both patients and nurses, the National Nurses Organizing Committee announced today.

National Nurses United
October 30, 2018