North Carolina press releases

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Registered nurses at HCA’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC

Mission Hospital nurses win largest hospital union victory in South since 1975

In the first private sector hospital union election win in North Carolina, the largest at any nonunion hospital in the South since 1975 – RNs at Mission Hospital voted this week by a stunning 70 percent to join the nation’s largest RN union to secure a powerful voice for improved care and workplace safety. For labor as a whole, it is also believed to be the largest union election win in the South in 12 years.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
September 17, 2020

Nurse holds sing "Save Lives"

Nurses seek OSHA sanctions on HCA

National Nurses United (NNU) today called on the federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to inspect all HCA-owned-and-operated hospitals and issue citations against the hospital giant for “willful violation” of workplace safety hazards, which NNU warns “could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm.”

National Nurses United
August 24, 2020

Mission Hospital RNs

Union Election Set for Mission, NC RNs

The date has been set. Mail ballots will be sent to registered nurses at HCA’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC on August 18 to determine if they want to form a union.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
August 4, 2020

Registered nurses at HCA’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC

Mission HCA RNs Protest Unsafe Staffing as COVID-19 Cases Surge

Registered nurses at HCA’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC are marching on the hospital’s chief executive this morning to protest what they see as an alarming rise in unsafe staffing at the very moment the hospital is swamped with COVID-19 patients.

National Nurses United
July 10, 2020

HCA’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC

Mission Hospital RNs Slam HCA

Registered nurses at HCA’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC today called on HCA to end efforts to block a democratic vote by nurses on forming a union, including a new demand that would put nurses at risk.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 5, 2020

Protest sign outside hospital

Mission Hospital RNs to Protest Lack of COVID-19 Preparedness

Registered nurses at HCA’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC will hold a public protest tonight, April 9, at 6 p.m. over what they say remains the hospital’s ongoing lagging response

National Nurses United
April 9, 2020

nurses holding signs

RNs at 15 HCA Hospitals to Protest Lack of COVID-19 Preparedness

Registered nurses at 15 HCA Healthcare hospitals in seven states will hold actions Wednesday and Thursday, April 1 and April 2, to protest a lack of preparedness by th

National Nurses United
April 1, 2020

100,000 RNs to Join Global Ebola Awareness Day Actions Wednesday with Vigils, Rallies, Strikes

From California to Florida, from the Philippines to Ireland, 100,000 registered nurses are expected to join a wave of actions to call attention to eroding patient care standards in the U.S. and globally that are symbolized by inadequate preparedness for fighting the Ebola virus.

National Nurses United
November 11, 2014

Nov. 12 - White House Vigil, Rallies, RN Strikes, Pickets, Actions in 16 States

Registered nurses from California to Maine will hold strikes, picketing, and other actions Wednesday, November 12 in 16 U.S. states and the District of Columbia – with possible support actions globally – as National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses steps up the demand for tougher Ebola safety precautions in the nation’s hospitals.

National Nurses United
November 11, 2014

Talks Stall as Strike Nears for 18,000 Kaiser RNs

With strikes and other protest actions fast approaching, talks between registered nurses and one of the nation’s biggest hospital and insurance chains Kaiser Permanente stalled Thursday setting the stage for a strike by 18,000 Kaiser RNs Tuesday November 11 kicking off a historic international day of actions on Wednesday, November 12.

November 6, 2014