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Nurses picket for patient care concerns

BLUEFIELD — Nurses and their supporters formed a picket line Tuesday evening near the entrance to Bluefield Regional Medical Center and drew attention to what they said were violations of federal law by the facility’s owner, Community Health Systems medical facilities.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph
March 20, 2013

Bill seeks nonprofit hospital charity boost, Eisenhower Medical Center on list

RANCHO MIRAGE — A new bill under consideration in Sacramento would require not-for-profit hospitals such as Eisenhower Medical Center to raise charity spending to 5 percent of their net revenue.

Palm Springs Desert Sun
March 18, 2013

Apple Valley Nurses Hold Vigil to Address Staffing Concerns

APPLE VALLEY-Nurses held a candlelight vigil Wednesday night at St. Mary Medical Center in Apple Valley, calling for improved nurse staffing throughout the St. Joseph Health System.

Daily Press
March 15, 2013

Homes for All campaign opens in Oakland

Saying that housing is a basic human right, about 75 protesters gathered in downtown Oakland Wednesday as part of the new Homes for All campaign. The grassroots movement, launched with similar events in 11 cities nationwide, asks President Obama and other elected leaders to develop a plan to expand and protect affordable housing.

SF Chronicle
March 14, 2013

Hospitals' abuse of charity care puts communities at risk

If there’s any label that has lost all meaning it must be “non-profit” hospital. Long gone are the days when hospitals were small institutions, focused on patient care, and run by local boards accountable to their local communities. Today, most “non-profit” hospitals are part of mega corporate chains, operated in secret by corporate executives whose dedication to the bottom line far exceeds their dwindling interest in community service.

Capitol Weekly
March 12, 2013

US 'Corporate Tax Dodgers' Keeping More Money Overseas

At a time of record corporate profits, U.S. "corporate tax dodgers" are parking more of their profits offshore, taking advantage of tax loopholes to shield billions from U.S. taxes, according to new analyses in the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg.

Common Dreams
March 11, 2013

Minnesota and DC Lawmakers Consider Nurse Staffing Bills

March 1, 2013 - Lawmakers in Minnesota and the District of Columbia are considering nurse staffing bills, with a goal of improved patient safety and quality of care. The legislation is based on research studies that have shown how a nurse’s workload impacts adverse events, patient satisfaction and other quality indicators.
March 5, 2013

NNU logo

Bill would require nurse-to-patient ratios in Michigan hospitals

The Michigan Nurses Association joined Democratic lawmakers Monday in their push to make Michigan the second state to mandate hospital staffing levels, but hospital officials expressed concern the requirement could backfire due to higher costs.
March 5, 2013

Local Nurses Say Hospitals “Skirting the Law”

Area nurses and healthcare advocates met in Worcester with the Health Policy Commission on Friday to fight against mandatory overtime practices being used at local hospitals to skirt the issue of poor staffing.

February 25, 2013

Court Temporarily Halts Plan to Close a Brooklyn Hospital

A state judge has temporarily halted plans to close the financially ailing Long Island College Hospital, giving a victory to hospital workers who say that its closing would be devastating to community health care.

The New York Times
February 25, 2013