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NLRB hearing on firing of Affinity nurse Ann Wayt is Monday

OHIO--Local nurses are showing support for the rights of registered nurses by attending a National Labor Relations Board hearing in Cleveland that begins Monday, and by wearing stickers that read “I Stand with Ann for RNs’ Rights.”
April 29, 2013

Dem proposes federal regulation of nurse-to-patient ratios in hospitals

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on Tuesday proposed legislation that would require hospitals to maintain a minimum nurse-to-patient ratio at all times, and allow the government to audit and penalize hospitals that fail to comply with this rule.
April 26, 2013

National Report Highlights Worker Fatalities, Need for Stronger Workplace Safety Measures

More than 4,600 workers were killed on the job in 2011 – the latest year for which we have complete data – spanning many ages, industries, and causes of death, an analysis by the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH) has found.
April 24, 2013

Chained CPI Proposal Would Cut Social Security Retirement Benefits by About 2 Percent, on Average

The President’s new budget proposes to use the chained Consumer Price Index (CPI) for computing cost-of-living adjustments in Social Security and certain other federal benefits, as well as for indexing key parameters of the tax code.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
April 23, 2013

South Side isn’t ready for health emergencies

CHICAGO--As this is written, everyone wounded in the terror bombings at the Boston Marathon has survived his or her wounds. This remarkable testament to effective medical response stems largely from Boston’s exceptional health-care capacity.

Chicago Sun-Times, By Jesse Jackson
April 23, 2013

The Higher Health Insurers' Claim Denial Rate, the Higher the CEO Pay

When you're shopping for health insurance, wouldn't it be great if you could find out every insurer's claim denial rate? And how much each one spent on lobbying and advertising -- and how much they paid their CEO?

Huffington Post, By Wendell Potter
April 23, 2013

Coverage limits are harsh reality for amputees

Those who lost limbs in the Boston Marathon bombings now need care to learn to navigate the world in a new way — and navigate a thorny area of health care coverage, too. In the case of the Boston bombings, pledges and offers of support have poured in to help with the health care costs of the 14 people who reportedly lost all or part of a limb. But for some amputees, covering the staggering cost for prosthetics care can be a struggle.
April 23, 2013

Texas Plant Explosion Reveals Wide Gaps In Workplace Safety Laws

WASHINGTON -- The staggering death toll continues to rise -- not in Boston, but in the small town of West, Texas. Buried by the extraordinary developments in the marathon bombing case, the confirmed deaths of at least 14 people and the injuries of 200 more have been all but lost in the breaking terrorism news. But about 1,800 miles from Boston, rescuers and investigators are sorting through the wreckage of the devastating industrial disaster.

Huffington Post
April 22, 2013

Sutter Solano Among the Last to Reach Contract Deal with Nurses Union

Sutter Solano Medical Center remains one of five holdouts in ongoing contract talks between Sutter facilities and their nurses union. That's because a tentative agreement has been reached with Marin County's Sutter Novato Community Hospital, union officials said.

Vallejo Times Herald
April 19, 2013

A Robin Hood Response to the Austerity Lie: Tax Wall Street

Congressman Keith Ellison, D-Minnesota is reintroducing his Inclusive Prosperity Act, a proposal to add a small “financial transactions tax” on high-volume, high-speed trading by Wall Street speculators. The tax—similar to one that the US imposed until 1966, and to taxes maintained by 40 countries worldwide—would generate roughly $1 trillion in revenue over 10 years.

The Nation, By Jorn n'
April 17, 2013