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Quality care should not be subjective

If you had a loved one hospitalized at St. Vincent, you would want the hospital and its staff to provide that person with the best care. Should it alarm you, then, that St. Vincent nurses in the past 15 months reported more than 1,000 incidents in which they believe inadequate staffing conditions jeopardized patient safety?

Worcester Telegram
April 8, 2011

An Open Letter to CBS' 60 Minutes Following its Pitch for More Corporate Handouts

Your report on the corporate tax rate and new tax havens March 27 (“A look at the world’s new corporate tax havens”) was a stunning disservice to all the Americans who are harmed by a national budget that is seriously distorted by the failure of so many U.S. corporations to pay their fair share.

March 31, 2011

Nurses rally to protest budget plan, emergency financial manager law

A flurry of red-and-white signs with the words "Some cuts never heal" flapped furiously in front of the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. The signs were accompanied by more than 200 nurses, nursing students and local and state officials who criticized Gov. Rick Snyder's budget proposals and legislation that gives emergency financial managers the authority to cancel union contracts.

Lansing State Journal
March 31, 2011

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EMMC’s nurses still fighting for adequate staffing

Nurses from EMMC have had to strike over patient safety and safe staffing — so why haven’t EMMC and the EMHS board of directors listened? For the past eight months we’ve had hundreds of nurses telling the community that because of staffing shortages, nurses at EMCC cannot consistently provide their patients adequate care.

Bangor Daily News
March 30, 2011

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Want to Cut the Deficit? Restore Fair Taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy

Greed at the upper echelons of our society is bankrupting our governments at every level. "Suggesting corporations and the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share," writes Deborah Burger, "usually earns one the reproof of advocating class warfare. But class warfare when practiced by the elites is apparently perfectly acceptable. The average CEO who was paid $27 for every dollar earned by an employer 25 years ago – during which wages have mostly fallen or stagnated – now gets a ratio of about $275 to $1."

March 25, 2011

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Hospitals Oppose California Bill to Tighten Security

Citing high costs, the California Hospital Association is opposing a bill in the state legislature that would require hospitals to tighten security and increase reporting of violent events, according to a report by the Los Angeles Times.

Becker Hospital Review
March 24, 2011

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Bill to tighten hospital security clears California legislative panel

A California legislative committee gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a bill that would tighten security at hospitals and increase their requirements for reporting violent acts to the state.

Los Angeles Times
March 24, 2011

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Ex-hospital head takes plea in retaliation case

A former West Texas hospital administrator accused of retaliating against two whistle-blowing nurses accepted a plea deal Monday and could testify in trials for a doctor, sheriff and prosecutor facing similar charges.

Associated Press
March 22, 2011

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Tufts nurses protest over hospital staffing

Tufts Medical Center nurses are ratcheting up their heated contract dispute with the Boston teaching hospital. Nurses planned to follow a flash mob at South Shore Plaza yesterday with picketing from 4 to 6 p.m. today outside the hospital in Chinatown.

Boston Globe
March 17, 2011

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PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama shies away from protests

Union leaders urged Vice President Joe Biden during a White House meeting last month to go to Wisconsin and rally the faithful in their fight against Gov. Scott Walker's move to curtail collective bargaining rights for most public employees.

Associated Press
March 14, 2011