Medicare for All press releases

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Nurses Warn Trump/GOP Health Ideas Would Accelerate Crisis

National Nurses United sharply criticized the health care proposals outlined by President Trump in his address to Congress Tuesday night, warning they would deprive care for tens of millions of Americans and increase the health and economic insecurity of millions more.

National Nurses United
March 1, 2017

Nurses Join Sen. Ricardo Lara and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia for a Rally Supporting SB 562

Registered Nurses from area hospitals will join Sen. Ricardo Lara, Mayor Robert Garcia and other local leaders and activists at a rally in Long Beach on Friday evening to kick off a campaign for the Healthy California Act SB 562, a bill that will guarantee health care for all Californians by establishing a Medicare-for-all insurance system in the state.

February 23, 2017

Sacramento Rally Welcomes Medicare for All Style Bill for All Californians

California nurses, and healthcare and community activists, will join with State Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins Wednesday, February 22 in Sacramento to celebrate the introduction of legislation to ensure universal health coverage with effective cost controls, a Medicare for all style bill for all California residents.

Healthy California and California Nurses Association
February 20, 2017

See What’s at Stake in the Health Care Fight With Clearly Outlined, Shareable Data

As the debate heats up on the Trump administration/congressional push to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, National Nurses United invites you to consider how the discussion will affect American families and individuals.

National Nurses United
February 14, 2017

Nurses Announce Opposition to Sen. Sessions for Attorney General

National Nurses United is joining with civil rights and civil liberties advocates to oppose the confirmation of Sen. Jeff Sessions to be the next U.S. Attorney General, NNU announced today. NNU will urge the Senate to reject Sessions’ nomination.

National Nurses United
January 19, 2017

As Confirmation Hearing Opens, Nurses Urge Senate to Reject Price

With the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions scheduled to open a hearing Wednesday on the nomination of Rep. Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services, National Nurses United urged both the committee and the full Senate to reject Price, citing his record of opposition to major healthcare services and advocacy of harmful cuts in in key healthcare programs.

National Nurses United
January 18, 2017

National Nurses United Endorses Sanders Amendment to Protect Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare

National Nurses United today strongly endorsed a proposed Senate budget amendment by Senator Bernie Sanders that that would protect funding for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

National Nurses United
January 9, 2017

Nurses Join Rep. Pelosi, Senators Schumer and Sanders for “Hands Off Medicare” Press Conf

Registered nurses will join House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Rep. Jan Schakowsky, along with seniors and activists for a press conference on Wednesday, Dec. 7, announcing the delivery of more than one million petition signatures demanding that President Elect Donald Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell keep their hands off the American people’s earned Medicare benefits.

National Nurses United
December 5, 2016

Nurses, Healthcare Activists Plan Rally for Our Future in Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Members of NNOC-Ohio/National Nurses United, Single Payer Action Network (SPAN) and Demand Universal Healthcare (DUH), are holding a community gathering and rally Thursday, to express their support for a singlepayer healthcare system in the U.S. and to reject House Speaker Paul Ryan's threats to privatize Medicare.

National Nurses United
November 17, 2016

Nurses to Co-Host Sanders-Sponsored Convention Forum On Guaranteed Healthcare/Medicare for All

National Nurses United will co-host a forum Monday on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention on the road ahead to continue the campaign for guaranteed healthcare through an improved and expanded Medicare for all.

National Nurses United
July 21, 2016