CNA press releases

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National Nurses United Board Member Michael Jackson Elected President of California Nursing Board

Michael Jackson, a San Diego RN and board member of National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses, won unanimous election Wednesday as president of the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN).

National Nurses United/California Nurses Association
May 7, 2015

St. Joseph RNs Celebrate Nurses’ Day May 6 with Day of Action for Safer Patient Care Across State

From Eureka in the north west corner of California to Apple Valley in the south, registered nurses who work at St. Joseph Health System hospitals will mark national nurses day May 6 with calls for safer patient care at their hospitals.

California Nurses Association
May 5, 2015

Nurses Join Teachers, Homeowners to Voice Opposition to Phillips 66 Oil Train Project

Registered nurse will join with teachers and homeowners Tuesday to urge Pismo city leaders to oppose a controversial Phillips 66 proposal to add five additional rail shipments a week of dirty tar sands crude oil through the center of San Luis Obispo County to Phillips’ Santa Maria refinery.

California Nurses Association
May 4, 2015

Thousands of RNs Set to Strike Five Sutter Hospitals Thursday

Registered nurses will be on strike at hospitals operated by the profitable Sutter corporation Thursday in a one-day walkout protesting inadequate staffing and other patient care concerns and corporate demands for some 130 cuts in health coverage for the RNs and their families.

California Nurses Association
April 29, 2015

RN Strikes Thursday, Friday at 3 Big Los Angeles Hospitals

Thousands of California registered nurses will be on strike this week, including RNs at three major Southern California area hospitals in Los Angeles, Torrance, and Santa Monica who are among some 5,000 California RNs who will join walkouts on those days.

California Nurses Association
April 29, 2015

Neutral Factfinder Rejects Salinas Hospital’s Plan to Eliminate Charge Nurses

An impartial fact finding report made public today on the dispute between Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital and its registered nurses endorses many of the central issues raised by the RNs on patient care delivery and a controversial restructuring plan sought by the hospital.

California Nurses Association
April 29, 2015

Senate Health Committee to Consider CA Charity Care & ‘Observation’ Standards Care Bills

First hearings on two RN-sponsored California bills, to hold California non-profit hospitals accountable on how much charity care and community benefit services they provide in return for their tax-exempt status and to address the hospital abuse of “observation” status, are scheduled for their first public airing this week by the Senate Health Committee.

California Nurses Association
April 27, 2015

Thousands of RNs to Strike California Hospitals Thursday, Friday

More than 2,500 registered nurses who work at five Sutter corporation hospitals will go on strike for one-day Thursday April 30, among some 6,400 RNs who will participate in walkouts next week at various hospitals in California and Illinois.

California Nurses Association
April 27, 2015

RNs on Labor Board to Overturn Huntington Election, Say Hospital Created Atmosphere of ‘Fear'

Citing more than 40 violations of federal workplace protections that made a “free and fair election impossible,” the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United has called on federal officials to overturn the disputed election at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, Ca.

California Nurses Association
April 24, 2015

Nurses Strengthen Patient Advocacy, Retain Experienced RNs In New Contract With USC- Verdugo Hills

Registered nurses at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital have overwhelmingly voted to ratify a first union contract with hospital management, culminating a yearlong campaign persuading the University of Southern California to invest in patient care improvements at the hospital. The agreement includes contract protections for nurses to advocate for improved patient care, as well as wage and benefit improvements to enhance recruitment and retention at the hospital.

National Nurses United
April 23, 2015