CNA press releases

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6,000 California RNs Set One-Day Strike December 22

Nurses are poised to hold a one-day strike at California’s second largest private hospital, and one of its most profitable corporate hospital chain December 22.

CNA Press Release
December 9, 2011

California Nurses in Solidarity with Occupy Oakland Actions Nov. 2

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United said today that it is standing in solidarity with Occupy Oakland, its protest actions on November 2 and its continuing movement.

Press Release
November 1, 2011

California Nurses Begin First Aid Support for Occupy SF

Registered nurse members of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United began their humanitarian program Thursday morning to support Occupy SF - part of an escalating program CNA and its national affiliate NNU have established in four cities as the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to grow.

Press Release
October 20, 2011

Healthy California Campaign Steps Up Call for Single-Payer Reform

Inspired by moves toward guaranteed healthcare for all in Vermont and Montana, advocates of Medicare-for-all, single-payer-style reform in California have formed a new coalition, the Campaign for a Healthy California (CHC), and are stepping up activity this coming week by hosting a California tour with a Vermont healthcare activist.

Press Release
October 10, 2011

Public Health RNs to Picket Supervisors Over Drastic Health Cuts

Fresno County public health nurses will picket outside a meeting of the Board of Supervisors Tuesday, to protest drastic cuts in public-health nursing that they say represent a disgraceful abandonment of the most vulnerable and at-risk patients in the county.

Press Release
October 10, 2011

Nurse holds sign "Break fevers not backs"

RNs Praise Signing of Landmark Lift Bill to Protect Patients, Nurses

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today praised the decision by California Gov. Jerry Brown to sign an important workplace safety bill to protect registered nurses and other healthcare employees from disabling injuries and safeguard patients from preventable falls.

Press Release
October 7, 2011

Nurses File Federal Charges to Sanction Sutter Corporation for Illegal Lockout to Harm RN Rights

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United filed formal federal charges late Tuesday that Sutter corporation through its hospital affiliates conducted an illegal lockout following a one-day strike last month that violated the legal rights of Sutter RNs.

Press Release
October 5, 2011

RNs Want Sutter to End Lockout & State to Investigate Safety Violations Following Patient Death

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today called on Sutter corporation to immediately end the unsafe lockout of its regularly scheduled nurses following media confirmation of a patient death while under the care of a strike replacement RN, as well as reports of other serious problems involving strike replacement RNs. RNs will hold a memorial candlelight vigil Sunday night and to press Sutter executives to end the lockout. The vigil will be held at 7 p.m. at Sutter’s Alta Bates Summit hospital campus in Oakland at 350 Hawthorne St.

CNA Press Release
September 25, 2011

NNU logo

National Nurses United Convention Calls for Stepped Up Push For Wall Street Transaction Tax

Delegates to the second convention of National Nurses United Friday called for a sweeping set of reforms to address the economic crisis swamping American families, and pledged to step up the campaign for a tax on Wall Street financial transactions to pay for Main Street reforms.

Press Release
September 17, 2011

NNU logo

California Gov. Brown, Filmmaker Michael Moore to Address 1,000 Nurses at San Francisco Convention

California Gov. Jerry Brown, acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore, Canadian nurses union leader Linda Silas, and Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, and will be among the featured speakers this week as 1,000 nurses gather in San Francisco Sept. 14 to Sept. 16 for the 2011 convention of National Nurses United, the nation's largest union and professional association of registered nurses.

Press Release
September 9, 2011