Workplace Violence Prevention press releases

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Nurses: New OSHA Rule Long Overdue, Strong Enforcement Needed

National Nurses United welcomes the latest occupational health and safety rule to Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses while also calling on the Agency to create stronger enforcement policies using the new data that this rule makes available.

National Nurses United
May 11, 2016

NNU Nurse Speaks at Release of New GAO Report on Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare

Today, National Nurses United joined members of Congress to speak out at a Washington, DC press conference unveiling findings from the Government Accountability Office (GAO)’s new report on workplace violence prevention in healthcare.

National Nurses United
April 14, 2016

NNU Nurse to Speak at Release of New GAO Report on Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare

On April 14, National Nurses United will join members of Congress to speak out at a Washington, DC press conference unveiling findings from the Government Accountability Office (GAO)’s new report on workplace violence prevention in healthcare.

National Nurses United
April 13, 2016

Scott, Murray, Committee Members to Unveil New GAO Report on Workplace Violence in Healthcare*

WASHINGTON – ON THURSDAY, April 14, Ranking Member Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) will be joined by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Representatives Frederica Wilson (FL-24), and Joe Courtney (CT-02) in hosting a press conference along with several health care workers who have faced workplace violence.

Committee on Education & The Workforce Democrats
April 12, 2016

Workplace Violence Bill Gets Favorable Vote from Public Safety Committee

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security has voted favorably on An Act Requiring Health Care Employers to Develop and Implement Programs to Prevent Workplace Violence, advancing the legislation and boosting efforts to combat rampant violence against nurses and other health care workers throughout Massachusetts.

David Schildmeier and Joe Markman, Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
April 5, 2016

Growing Threat of Violence in Health Care Not Taken Seriously By Employers

Ongoing violence against nurses at hospitals like Brigham and Women’s and Worcester Recovery Center reinforces alarming results of new Massachusetts Nurses Association workplace violence survey

David Schildmeier and Joe Markman, Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
February 4, 2016

Cal/OSHA Public Hearing on Workplace Violence Prevention Thursday, Dec. 17, Sacramento

With state regulators close to putting the final touches on rules to prevent workplace violence in hospitals, nurses from throughout California, members of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, will testify at the Cal/OSHA Standard's Board public hearing this Thursday in Sacramento, to urge regulators to pass the regulations as soon as possible. The new regulations are mandated by legislation, SB 1299, the Healthcare Workplace Violence Prevention Act, sponsored by CNA last year and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. Thursday's public hearing on the proposed regulations marks the conclusion of a 45-day written comment period on the new regulations.

California Nurses Association
December 16, 2015

Nurses Urge Council to Pass Legislation to Ensure Hospital Safety

Washington, D.C. -- Registered nurses today urged the District of Columbia Council’s Committee on Health and Human Services to promptly pass legislation to ensure that hospitals create plans and take necessary action to protect patients, health care workers, and others from violence in hospitals.

December 10, 2015

Nurses Hail Cal/OSHA's Proposed Regulations to Prevent Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings

Nurses are very pleased with the Cal/OSHA Board's proposed regulations for workplace violence prevention, announced the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today.

California Nurses Association
November 3, 2015

RNs Rally, Testify at Last Public Hearing. Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Regulations to be Finalized.

On Wed. April 1, registered nurses will rally in front of the Harris State Building, to share personal stories of workplace violence—and to voice continued support for the highest level of protections, as new California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) hospital workplace violence regulations move through their final public hearing.

California Nurses Association
March 30, 2015