Texas press releases

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As City Prepares to Vote on Wage Theft Ordinance, Lift Up El Paso Invites Media on Wage Theft Tour

On Thursday, May 28, Lift Up El Paso (a coalition of community organizations and unions) will offer media a guided tour of the wage theft problem in our city —with a mobile tour that will stop to picket at a local wage theft offender, ending with a rally at City Hall, where the El Paso City Council will soon vote on a Wage Theft Ordinance to hold local businesses accountable for fairly paying their workers.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - Texas
May 26, 2015

Texas Legend Jim Hightower to Join El Paso Forum May 14 to Highlight Dangers of Trade Pact

Former Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower, also well known as a national radio commentator, columnist, and prolific author, will join with El Paso labor, community, and faith based organizations in two events Thursday, May 14 to highlight opposition to a controversial trade pact.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - Texas
May 13, 2015

100,000 RNs to Join Global Ebola Awareness Day Actions Wednesday with Vigils, Rallies, Strikes

From California to Florida, from the Philippines to Ireland, 100,000 registered nurses are expected to join a wave of actions to call attention to eroding patient care standards in the U.S. and globally that are symbolized by inadequate preparedness for fighting the Ebola virus.

National Nurses United
November 11, 2014

Nov. 12 - White House Vigil, Rallies, RN Strikes, Pickets, Actions in 16 States

Registered nurses from California to Maine will hold strikes, picketing, and other actions Wednesday, November 12 in 16 U.S. states and the District of Columbia – with possible support actions globally – as National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses steps up the demand for tougher Ebola safety precautions in the nation’s hospitals.

National Nurses United
November 11, 2014

Talks Stall as Strike Nears for 18,000 Kaiser RNs

With strikes and other protest actions fast approaching, talks between registered nurses and one of the nation’s biggest hospital and insurance chains Kaiser Permanente stalled Thursday setting the stage for a strike by 18,000 Kaiser RNs Tuesday November 11 kicking off a historic international day of actions on Wednesday, November 12.

November 6, 2014

Nurses Call on U.S. Hospitals to Improve Emergency Preparedness for Potential Ebola U.S. Infections

Following reports that a Dallas hospital failed to hospitalize a patient infected with the Ebola virus and failed to properly communicate essential information to caregivers about his health status, National Nurses United is stepping up the call on U.S. hospitals to immediately upgrade emergency preparations for Ebola in the U.S.

National Nurses United
October 2, 2014

Austin Nurse Headed to the Philippines

While many are settling back into regular routines after the holiday break, David Abeles an RNat Arise Medical Center in Austin, Texas, is starting the new year by traveling to the Philippines where he will provide medical support for those who continue to be affected by the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

January 12, 2014

El Paso RNs Approve First Union Contract

Registered nurses at El Paso’s Providence Memorial Hospital and Sierra Medical Center have won their first ever collective bargaining contracts winning significant patient care protections and economic improvements.

National Nurses Organizing Committee / NNU
November 22, 2013

Cypress Fairbanks RNs Approve New Pact with Houston Hospital

Registered nurses at Houston’s Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center voted unanimously Monday night to approve a new collective bargaining agreement with the hospital, extending the only private union contract for nurses in America’s fourth largest city.

August 27, 2013

Sierra Medical Center RNs, El Paso Vote by 60 Percent to Join NNOC

Registered nurses at Sierra Medical Center in El Paso voted by 60 percent Tuesday night to join the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Texas, the Texas affiliate of National Nurses United, the nation’s largest organization of RNs.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/NNU
February 13, 2013