Social Medicine for our Times: A Series of Public Talks on Health & Social Justice
Organized by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) and the Berkeley Center for Social Medicine.
Decades of neoliberal policies have facilitated the resurgence of a radical right-wing, posing new challenges to advancing an agenda for health equity and social justice. The current moment requires health practitioners and activists to think and strategize in ever more novel and audacious ways. National Nurses United, which has been at the forefront of the battle to win universal health care, and the Berkeley Center for Social Medicine invite you to a series of public talks to do just that. Please join us for our monthly events to explore the different sites of struggle that will be critical to forging a social medicine for our times.
Upcoming Events
- No Ban, No Wall: Confronting the Militarization of Our Borders and Communities
- Beyond Identity: Building Collective Struggles for Racial and Health Justice