Safe staffing ratios press releases

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Three nurses inside hold signs "Staff Up for Safe Care"

AR Gould nurses deliver May Day basket on International Workers’ Day to demand improved staffing for patient safety

Union nurses at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital delivered a May Day basket today to AR Gould CEO Greg LaFrancois to demand movement at the bargaining table on issues involving safe staffing and staff retention in order to deliver patients the care our community deserves.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
May 1, 2023

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown at podium with nurses by his side

Sen. Sherrod Brown to join Ohio nurses at press conference about safe staffing legislation

The Ohio senator is the sponsor of federal legislation seeking nationally mandated nurse-to-patient ratios, a necessary remedy to unsafe staffing in hospitals.

National Nurses United
April 10, 2023

Two nurses outside holding signs calling for safe staffing and workplace violence prevention

Mission Hospital nurses to hold a rally over HCA’s failure to protect patients and nurses from assaults and other unsafe working conditions

Registered nurses at Mission Hospital, in Asheville, N.C., will hold a rally to highlight their patient safety concerns, including increased incidents of workplace violence, broken hospital equipment, and unsafe staffing levels.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
April 7, 2023

Nurses outside Capitol building with raised fists holding signs "Safe Staffing Saves Lives"

Members of Congress to Introduce Safe Staffing Bill to Address Hospital Crisis

Federal legislation, which will be introduced at a Thursday, March 30 press conference, would set limits on the numbers of patients each RN can care for in hospitals, a necessary measure for saving patients’ lives and stemming the exodus of nurses from the bedside.

National Nurses United
March 29, 2023

Line of nurses outside PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital

Los Angeles nurses to hold informational picket for patient and workplace safety

Registered nurses at PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, Calif., will hold an informational picket to protest the administration’s refusal to address RNs’ deep concerns about patient care, persistent violations of California’s nurse-to-patient ratios law, and recruitment and retention of nurses

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
March 7, 2023

Large group of nurses outside hospital hold signs "Staff Up for Safe Care"

Nurses look forward after year of achievements – new year begins with national day of action for safe staffing

Following a year of major contract gains across the country, nurses are pledging to step up actions to demand the hospital industry end their profession’s staffing crisis by providing safe numbers of nurses to care for patients.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
January 25, 2023

Group of four nurses outside hold signs "Staff up for safe patient care"

Nurses to rally nationwide for safe staffing

Thousands of registered nurse members of National Nurses United will hold actions on Thursday, Jan. 26 to demand the hospital industry end their profession’s staffing crisis by providing safe numbers of nurses to care for patients.

National Nurses United
January 24, 2023

CNA logo

Concord nurses to hold informational picket about staffing crisis

Registered nurses at the John Muir Behavioral Health Center in Concord, Calif., will hold an informational picket on to raise awareness of chronic understaffing and high turnover rates at the hospital.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
January 20, 2023

Hand holding sign "Safe Staffing Saves Lives"

Chicago nurses hold protest for patient safety

Registered nurses at the University of Chicago Medical Center in Chicago, will hold an action to highlight their patient safety concerns including short-staffing, RN and other staff vacancies, and lack of educational resources create unsafe patient care conditions.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
September 13, 2022

Hands hold sign "Safe Staffing Saves Veterans"

Cincinnati VA nurses to hold an informational picket for patient safety and the VA Employee Fairness Act

RNs at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, will hold an informational picket to highlight their patient safety concerns, including dangerous short staffing.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
September 6, 2022