Press releases

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Nurse holding sign for more PPE

UCSD Hillcrest Medical Center Nurses to Hold Action at Noon to Demand Protections When Treating Patients With COVID-19

To protest the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline health care workers during this COVID-19 pandemic, registered nurses at the University of California San Diego (Hillcrest) are holding an action

California Nurses Association
March 27, 2020

Nurses protest lack of protection

National Nurses United condemns congressional inaction on protecting nurses, other health care workers from COVID-19

National Nurses United today condemned the United States Senate for failing to mandate protections for health care workers in the COVID-19 stimulus package that passed the Senate on Wednesday night.

National Nurses United
March 26, 2020

Bonnie Castillo, RN, executive director of National Nurses United

Nurses Send Petition to Congress Demanding Immediate Protections During COVID-19 Outbreak

National Nurses United, the largest union of registered nurses, sent a petition to the US Congress today with a quarter of a million signatures demanding that Congress ensure that nurses and health care workers are immediately given the protections they need to avoid exposure to COVID-19.

National Nurses United
March 23, 2020

Bandannas are not protection image

Union Workers in the Building Trades Donate Masks to Nurses Amidst Government Inaction

Today, North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU), an alliance of fourteen affiliated unions collectively representing over 3 million skilled craft professionals in the building and constructio

National Nurses United and North America’s Building Trades Unions
March 23, 2020

Nurse holding precaution demands sign

Nurses: California Needs to Do More on Protective Gear

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today called on California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state officials to sharply escalate steps to get immediately personal protective equipment to nurses and other health care workers.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
March 21, 2020

Nurses hold signs "Protect nurses"

Updated COVID-19 survey of registered nurses shows little improvement and worsening availability of personal protective equipment

A nationwide survey National Nurses United (NNU) has been conducting of registered nurses, the country’s frontline health care staff, continues to show that the vast majority of United States hospitals and health care facilities are still unprepared to handle and contain cases of COVID-19.

National Nurses United / California Nurses Association / NNOC
March 20, 2020

NNU ED Bonnie Castillo and nurses rally for Coronavirus action

Nurses: Time to sharply ramp up health care capacity for COVID-19

National Nurses United (NNU), the largest union of registered nurses in the United States, today called on an embattled nation to dramatically ramp up health care capacity in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Nurses United
March 16, 2020

Dawn Caron, RN, Chief Steward at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center, earlier today

Nurses Say Eastern Maine Medical Center Has Addressed Many of Their Concerns Over COVID-19 Safety Preparations

Earlier today registered nurses at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC) highlighted progress that has been made through talks with the medical center concerning its preparedness for C

Maine State Nurses Association / NNOC
March 14, 2020

VA Nurses

Veterans Health Administration unions decry management’s failure to involve them in COVID-19 preparations, call to work together

We health care workers in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) system, deeply dismayed by the lack of preparations, planning, and communications so far in response to COVID-19, are calling on VHA management to work with us to ensure the nation’s VA health facilities can safely handle COVID-19. Together, our unions represent nearly 350,000 employees working within the VHA system.

March 14, 2020

• Veterans Affairs

Nurses rally for increased protections from COVID-19

National Nurses United statement on today’s Trump administration press conference

The following statement by National Nurses United Executive Director Bonnie Castillo, RN and Presidents Jean Ross, RN, Zenei Cortez, RN and Deborah Burger, RN is in response to the Trump administra

National Nurses United
March 13, 2020