Press releases

Submitted by njones on
March for Our Lives, Washington, D.C., March 24, 2018.

Nurses back second March For Our Lives, urge real action to end gun violence

NNU is calling on legislators and chief executives in Washington and in state capitals to enact immediate and impactful gun control reforms.

National Nurses United
June 2, 2022


Three masked nurses inside hospital

Nurses at Saint Louis University Hospital to hold rally to protest chronic understaffing

Registered nurses will hold a rally on Friday, June 3 at 8:00 a.m. to voice their deep concerns about patient safety, chronic understaffing, and the alarming drop in the number of staff nurses hired by the facility.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 1, 2022


Group of nurses outside hold signs "Staff Up for Safe Care"

Nurses at Corpus Christi Medical Center plan action Friday, June 3 to protest high turnover and severe understaffing

Nurses will highlight CCMC’s failure to seriously invest in the recruitment and retention of nursing staff, and the impact this has on the safety of patient care.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 1, 2022


Vigil candle

UCSF Nurses to Hold Candlelight Vigil Calling For an End to Gun Violence

In response to the latest school shooting registered nurses at University of California San Francisco Medical Center will hold a candlelight vigil at the Mission Bay campus to call on lawmakers in Congress and every state legislature to finally act to protect public safety.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
June 1, 2022


Group of three nurses outside Mission Hospital hold sign "Patients First"

Mission Hospital nurses to rally for recruiment, retention, and patient safety in Asheville

Mission RNs say dangerous conditions in their hospital necessitate immediate action to protect patient care and safety.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
May 31, 2022


Four VA nurses inside Albany Stratton VA Medical Center

Nurses, veterans, Rep. Tonko denounce VA’s recommendation to close Albany hospital and four area clinics

The hospital closure would force veterans to seek emergency care, inpatient medical care, and both inpatient and outpatient surgical care in non-VA facilities, where studies show outcomes are poorer than those of the VA.

National Nurses United
May 27, 2022

• Veterans Affairs

National Nurses United

Nurses mourn schoolchildren and teachers murdered in Texas, say lack of gun control laws clearly threatens public health

The registered nurses of NNU and NYSNA are deeply disturbed by Congress’ refusal to reduce gun violence and ensure safe schools, workplaces, and all areas of society by enacting desperately needed gun control laws.

National Nurses United/New York State Nurses Association
May 25, 2022

Pile of buttons which say "Safe staffing NOW!"

Registered nurses in San Jose demand HCA improve conditions to address erosion of patient care

RNs at two HCA Hospitals in San Jose, Calif. will hold informational pickets on Tuesday, May 24, to raise awareness of chronic understaffing and high turnover rates at the hospitals.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
May 23, 2022

Group of nurses in hospital hold signs "Racism is a Public Health Crisis" and "Black Lives Matter"

Nurses on Buffalo massacre: Moral outrage not enough, it’s long past time for accountability and action

NNU echoed the widespread shock and horror at the deadly, racist attack in Buffalo and pledged to work with elected officials and community organizations to hold accountable not just the perpetrators of white supremacist terrorism, but also those who inspire and encourage them.

National Nurses United
May 17, 2022


Governor Gavin Newsom

California Nurses Association RN members applaud Gov. Newsom’s effort to recognize the contributions and sacrifices of health care workers during Covid-19 pandemic

CNA/NNU applauded Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement today that the state’s health care workers would each receive retention bonus of up to $1,000, which can be matched up to $500 by their employers.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
May 12, 2022