Press releases

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RNs Press Case for Hospital Workplace Safety Legislature Set to Hear Bill on Violence Prevention

Assembly Committee OKs Bill on MRSA Infection Response. The California state legislature this week is taking a first look on two bills sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United intended to improve workplace safety prevention measures in California hospitals. On Thursday morning, the Senate Labor Committee will review legislation that would step up violence prevention policies in California hospitals, an issue that gained greater urgency this week by the stabbings of two registered nurses at two Los Angeles area hospitals.

California Nurses Association
April 23, 2014

Time to Stop Wall Street’s High-Speed Gamblers, Activists Step Up Call for a Tax on Wall Street

“Reckless trading can bring down the economy again. A tiny tax on stock trades will make us safer.” That’s the message from America’s nurses and supporters of a Robin Hood tax on Wall Street speculation who are running ads today calling on people to urge their legislators to sign on and support HR 1579, the Inclusive Prosperity Act, by Rep. Keith Ellison.

April 23, 2014

UMass Memorial Effort to Cut Services and Staff is Pennywise and Pound Foolish

This morning we learned that UMass Memorial Medical Center has announced yet another round of layoffs and service cuts at its Memorial and University campuses in Worcester. More than 80 registered nurses and as many as 90 other employees will be impacted by the layoff announced today, which includes the closing or reduction in a number of services, including the closing of three OR suites, the closing of an entire medical floor and the elimination of the IV therapy team on the Memorial campus.

April 17, 2014

Legislature to Hear Two Bills to Improve Hospital Workplace Safety for RNs, Patients, Other Staff

The California state legislature will consider legislation this week sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United intended to substantially improve workplace safety prevention measures in California hospitals – an issue heightened by the weekend stabbings of two registered nurses at two separate Los Angeles area hospitals.

California Nurses Association
April 15, 2014

San Diego RNs join fight for access to fresh healthy food at annual Cesar Chavez tribute Friday

San Diego Nurses Issue Public Health Warning. Registered nurses from hospitals throughout San Diego are adding their voices to the growing fight against food injustice in the city’s southeast communities, with their endorsement and participation in this year Cesar Chavez tribute, the California Nurses Association announced today. This year’s theme, Food Injustice: Social Consciousness Raising, Remembered, and Revisited, commemorates the legacy of the labor leader and civil rights activist and is being hosted by the San Diego Community College District and Project New Village.

California Nurses Association
April 9, 2014

Nurses Say They Will Continue Public Push to Keep Palm Drive Hospital Open for Community

Registered nurses from Palm Drive Hospital in Sebastopol, Ca. north of San Francisco will call on the hospital board tonight to keep the hospital open warning that its closure would put tens of thousands of western Sonoma County residents at risk. The Palm Drive Health Care District, which voted to authorize a Chapter 9 bankruptcy for the hospital last week is threatening to shut down the only hospital in the western part of the county despite growing public opposition to its closure. The board is meeting is at 5:30 p.m. at the Sebastopol Community Church Memorial Hall, 1000 Gravenstein Hwy North in Sebastopol.

California Nurses Association
April 7, 2014

Saturday Press Conference, Sebastopol, Ca. Senior Center

Nurses to Join Assembly member Marc Levine in Call to Stop Closure of Palm Drive Hospital. Assembly member Marc Levine will join with Palm Drive Hospital registered nurses in a press conference Saturday, April 5 to step up opposition to the threatened closure of Palm Drive Hospital in Sebastopol, Ca. north of San Francisco. The press conference will be held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the Sebastopol Senior Center, 167 N. High St.

California Nurses Association
April 4, 2014

RNs to Picket New Kaiser San Leandro Clinic Note Patient Care Services in Hayward Won’t be Replace

Registered nurses will picket the opening of Kaiser Permanente’s San Leandro clinic Monday, protesting the ongoing loss of pediatric care for Alameda County children with the closure last year of Kaiser’s Hayward children’s services, that will remain unfulfilled in San Leandro. Kaiser RNs will be on hand in large numbers at 12:30 p.m. for a protest outside the San Leandro facility, 2500 Merced St., San Leandro. The RNs are members of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United. The San Leandro is intended as a seismic replacement for Kaiser’s Hayward hospital. But, say the RNs, the new facility, even when fully opened in June, will be without the full range of hospital services formerly provided at Hayward.

California Nurses Association
April 4, 2014

Vigils at Legislative Offices in San Diego, other cities, April 4

Activists to Call on Congress to Honor Dr. King’s Fight for Economic Justice with Tax on Wall Street. Nurses, AIDS activists, students, transit workers, and other community activists will call on Congressional offices in 22 cities – including San Diego – April 4 to step up the call for a tax on Wall Street speculation to fund programs to redress economic inequality and address other basic needs.

California Nurses Association
April 2, 2014

Nurses Oppose Closure of Palm Drive Hospital

Shutdown Threatens to Abandon Seniors, Thousands of West Sonoma County Residents, Says California Nurses Association. The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today condemned the threatened closure of Palm Drive Hospital in Sebastopol saying it threatens to abandon tens of thousands of seniors and western Sonoma County residents to a critical reduction in needed medical care. Registered nurses who work at the hospital are expected to speak out tonight at a meeting of the Palm Drive Hospital District to voice their protest and outrage and the closure threat.

California Nurses Association
April 1, 2014