Press releases

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RN Strikes, Pickets - Actions in 16 States Nov 12 for Improved Ebola and Patient Safety Standards

Registered nurses from California to Maine will hold strikes, picketing, and other actions Wednesday, November 12 in 16 U.S. states and the District of Columbia – with possible support actions globally – as National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses steps up the demand for tougher Ebola safety precautions in the nation’s hospitals.

National Nurses United
November 8, 2014

Talks Stall as Strike Nears for 18,000 Kaiser RNs

With strikes and other protest actions fast approaching, talks between registered nurses and one of the nation’s biggest hospital and insurance chains Kaiser Permanente stalled Thursday setting the stage for a strike by 18,000 Kaiser RNs Tuesday November 11 kicking off a historic international day of actions on Wednesday, November 12.

November 6, 2014

Major Settlement Agreement Reached Between NNOC-FL/NNU and Orlando Health

Orlando Health registered nurses are hailing a major settlement reached with the healthcare system as a critical win for nurses’ ability to freely exercise their democratic right to organize for a voice in patient care, the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Florida, (NNOC), announced today.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - Forida
November 5, 2014

Rally to Restore Quality Patient Care at Huntington Hospital

This Thursday registered nurses at Huntington Memorial Hospital plan a rally in an effort to restore quality patient care at HMH and to call on management to implement the highest standard of Ebola preparedness including personal protective equipment and training for healthcare workers.

November 5, 2014

CA Nurses Launch ‘Yes on 45’ Radio Ads: ‘Real Nurses’ Support Limit on Insurance Abuses

Taking issue with the $57 million deceptive advertising campaign by the state’s biggest insurance giants, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United has begun a broad radio campaign to inform voters that “real nurses” support Proposition 45 to rein in excessive insurance increases that put patients at risk.

California Nurses Association
October 31, 2014

RN Ebola Strike, National Day of Action for Ebola Safety Standards Coast to Coast Nov. 12

Registered nurses from California to Maine will hold strikes, picketing, and other actions Wednesday, November 12 in 12 U.S. states and the District of Columbia – with possible support actions globally – as the largest U.S. organization of nurses steps up the demand for tougher Ebola safety precautions in the nation’s hospitals.

October 30, 2014

After Congressional Hearing on Ebola Prep. National Nurses Say Mandate for Hospitals Still Needed

Following a Congressional hearing Friday morning in Washington on Ebola and the latest confirmed Ebola patient in New York Thursday, National Nurses United said a major gap remains in U.S. preparedness – the failure of the federal government, both Congress and the White House, to mandate all hospitals to implement the highest standards and protocols to protect nurses, other health workers and the public.

National Nurses United
October 30, 2014

University of California RNs to Speak Out on Inadequate Ebola Prep. at University Medical Centers

Registered nurses at University of California medical centers will hold speak outs Tuesday and Wednesday to alert the public that UC hospitals, now being promoted as priority hospitals for treating any potential Ebola patients in California, are far from prepared, according to the frontline RNs.

California Nurses Association
October 27, 2014

Nurses Leader to Testify to Congress on Ebola Friday

Following a day in which leaders of the nation’s largest nurses organization met with California Gov. Jerry Brown to urge his state to set a national model for optimal safety protocols for responding to the Ebola virus, National Nurses United announced it has been invited to testify before Congress Friday on the Ebola threat.

National Nurses United
October 22, 2014

National Nurses Statement on New CDC Ebola Guidelines

National Nurses United today welcomed the call in the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for “rigorous and repeated training” for nurses and other health workers responding to the Ebola virus as NNU has been urging for two months, but said some substantial questions and concerns remain.

National Nurses United
October 21, 2014