Press releases

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Green New Deal and Ban on Assault Weapons

National Nurses United Endorses Green New Deal and Ban on Assault Weapons

National Nurses United, the nation’s largest union and professional association of registered nurses, Thursday endorsed enactment of a Green New Deal and a ban on assault weapons.

National Nurses United
September 13, 2019

Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly

Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly Convenes with Nurses from Around the World

Nurses, labor leaders, and activists from across the globe, including representatives from 24 countries and every continent, will gather for the Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly, to be held Sept. 12-15, in San Francisco, Calif.

National Nurses Organizing Committee / CNA
September 10, 2019

University of Chicago Medical Center RNs

University of Chicago Medical Center RNs to Hold One-Day Strike Over Patient Care and Safety Concerns

Registered nurses at the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) will hold a one-day strike on Sept. 20, 2019 to highlight their concerns about patient care at the hospital, announced National Nurses United Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) today. The nurses say chronic short staffing across the hospital, forced on-call hours, and nurses working outside of their areas of expertise puts patient safety at risk.

National Nurses Organizing Committee
September 10, 2019

Informational Picket at Saint Louis University Hospital

Nurses to Hold an Informational Picket at Saint Louis University Hospital to Highlight Patient Safety Concerns

Registered nurses at Saint Louis University Hospital (SLUH) will hold an informational picket on Monday, Sept. 9, to make the public aware of their patient safety concerns, National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) announced today.

National Nurses United / NNOC
September 6, 2019

Calais nurses

Nurses and Caregivers at Calais Regional Hospital Vote Overwhelmingly to Authorize a Strike

After one year of contract negotiations, the unionized caregivers at Calais Regional Hospital (CRH) in Calais, Maine have authorized a strike for the first time ...

National Nurses United/MSNA/NNOC
September 6, 2019

Sending Maria Isabel Bueso to Guatemala

Bay Area Nurses to Hold Rally Protesting Deportation of Extremely Ill Patient

Registered nurses from California Nurses Association (CNA) and other health care workers will protest the impending deportation of one of their severely ill patients on Friday, Sept. 6, announced CNA.

California Nurses Association
September 4, 2019

Hurricane Dorian

RN Response Network Sends Team of Nurse Volunteers to Provide Medical Assistance to Hurricane Dorian Victims

Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN), a national network of volunteer disaster-relief nurses sponsored by National Nurses United (NNU) and California Nurses Foundation, is deploying a team of nurses to Florida and potentially, The Bahamas, in conjunction with International Medical ...

National Nurses United / RNRN
September 2, 2019


JHH hospital

Nurses Respond to Hopkins $40 Million Pediatric Malpractice Settlements

Johns Hopkins Health System’s (JHHS) recent settlement with two more families whose children were paralyzed after heart surgeries at their Tampa Bay facility brings the current tally resulting from malpractice there to $40 million. More multimillion-dollar settlements for patients and families harmed by the hospital’s conduct are expected in the coming months.

National Nurses United
August 31, 2019

University of Chicago

Nurses at University of Chicago Medical Center Vote Overwhelmingly to Authorize a Strike

Registered nurses at the University of Chicago Medical Center voted by an overwhelming majority to authorize their nurse negotiators to call a one-day strike if the issues RNs have been raising in ongoing contract negotiations ...

National Nurses United /NNOC
August 30, 2019

Health care workers with signs

Health Care Workers at Shasta Regional Medical Center Win Key Gains in Patient Care with Historic First Contract

Health care workers at Shasta Regional Medical Center (SRMC) in Redding, Calif. have ratified their first collective bargaining contract with important key improvements in patient care protections, training benefits, and enhanced economic standards that will help in the recruitment ...

California Nurses Association / CHEU
August 30, 2019