Press Release

Mt. Desert Island RNs Hold Informational Picket Thursday-Noon Rally Concerning Healthcare Technology

BAR HARBOR—Registered nurses at Mount Desert Island Hospital (MDIH), in Bar Harbor, ME will hold an informational picket on Thursday June 26, over ongoing concerns about the safe and proper use of healthcare technology. 

The RNs, represented by the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNU), who are in bargaining for a new collective bargaining agreement, say they remain far apart with hospital administration over the implementation and use of new healthcare technology.  A federal mediator was brought in for the last two sessions, which ended June 16.

RNs have proposed contract language that would give direct-care nurses meaningful input into the process, before technology is used in patient care settings. Management representatives rejected the nurses’ proposals and have been unwilling to extend the contract, which expired on May 12. 

What:                 MDIH RN Informational Picket 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m.
                           Rallies—8:00 a.m., Noon, 5:00 p.m.

When:                Thursday, June 26, 2014

Where:               MDIH, 10 Wayman Lane, Bar Harbor, ME

“Nurses at MDIH have been struggling with administration over the issue of safe and appropriate healthcare technology for years, and while some improvements have been made, our concerns and cautions go largely unheard,” said Vanessa Dalton, an MDIH RN who works on a medical surgical floor.  “It is critical to patient safety to ensure that the computers don’t freeze up and malfunction which leads to an increase in errors and delays in care. We urge hospital management to stop wasting time and precious resources on legal tactics designed to delay and intimidate nurses, and instead work hand in hand with RNs in the best interests of our patients.”

At this time, no further bargaining dates have been scheduled, but the MSNA/NNU RN bargaining team has indicated to hospital officials that they are willing to meet at any time to resolve these issues.

Nationally, NNU recently launched a national public advocacy campaign, which highlights RN concerns about the role of technology at the bedside, which includes a video about problems with “Computer Care.” The video and radio ads may be viewed at