NNOC press releases

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Mission Hospital nurses rally for patient safety

Mission Hospital nurses to hold rally for patient safety, demand HCA address unsafe staffing

Registered nurses at Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina, will hold a rally on Wednesday, December 13, to demand that management take action to ensure patient safety by improving nurse staffing.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
December 11, 2023

Large group of nurses celebrating with hands in the air

University Medical Center nurses vote yes to join NNOC/NNU in historic union election for New Orleans, Louisiana

Registered nurses at University Medical Center (UMC) in New Orleans, La., have voted in favor of joining National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United. Despite a disgusting union-busting effort from management, nurses voted 82% yes with over 90% turnout.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
December 9, 2023

St. Louis nurses on the picket line holding signs that read "United for Our Patients"

St. Louis nurses overwhelmingly vote to authorize second strike

Registered nurses at SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, voted by an overwhelming majority today to authorize their nurse bargaining team to call a strike, if management fails to resolve key issues RNs have been raising in contract negotiations, including outsourcing of nurse jobs.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
December 8, 2023

Group of nurses outside hospital holding picket signs

RNs who held strikes in Austin and Wichita now locked out by Ascension

Nurses at three Ascension-owned facilities in Austin, Texas, and Wichita, Kan., condemn Ascension management for proceeding with a three-day lockout following the RNs’ one-day strike at their hospitals on Dec. 6.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
December 7, 2023

NNOC logo

Wichita nurses to host gift drive on Friday after Ascension cancels Christmas concert

Registered nurses at Ascension Via Christi St. Francis and St. Joseph’s in Wichita, Kansas, will host a gift drive for toys and school supplies on Friday, December 8, in response to Ascension management canceling the Christmas concert scheduled to take place on that day at the Christi Child Development Center.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
December 6, 2023

Nurse holding sign "NNU: Newborns deserve a better beginning" and shirt "Patients before profits"

Management at Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin Block Nurse from Safely Staffing NICU

RNs at Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin in Texas reported today that Day Supervisor, Leighan Graham and Perinatal Director, Rachelle LaBonte, would not allow a nurse to work her shift in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) this morning in anticipation of the nurses’ one-day strike on Dec. 6.

December 4, 2023

Nurses from Ascension Seton Medical Center in Austin TX demonstrating

Nurses in Texas and Kansas to strike, resisting Ascension union-busting tactics

Registered nurses in Texas and Kansas at three Ascension hospitals are moving forward with historic one-day strikes on Wednesday, December 6, to protest unsafe conditions management has failed to remedy, announced National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
December 4, 2023

Maine nurses taking action for safe staffing, holding banner that reads "Bedside nurses support ratios!"

Maine nurses to hold community forum on nurse staffing crisis and public health

Members of the Maine State Nurses Association will hold a community forum on Tuesday, December 5, on the current nurse staffing crisis and what can be done about it. The forum is co-sponsored by the Muskie School of Public Service, the Maine Women’s Lobby, and Maine People’s Alliance.

Maine State Nurses Association, National Nurses Organizing Committee
December 1, 2023

Nurse speaking through bullhorn with arm raised

Registered nurses and graduate students demand University of Chicago provide the highest quality of care for patients and uphold the highest educational standards

Registered nurses and graduate student workers at the University of Chicago will hold an early morning press conference on Monday, Dec. 4, to demand that the university respect its workers and settle their contracts quickly without unnecessary delays and deliberate stalling.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
December 1, 2023

Group of three nurses outside hospital hold signs "People Before Profit" and "Staff Up for Safe Patient Care"

More than 100 nurses to rally at HCA office in Tampa

More than 100 registered nurses from HCA facilities across the country will hold a rally on Nov. 30 outside of HCA’s West Florida Division Office in Tampa, Fla. to demand better from management ahead of 2024 contract negotiations.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
November 27, 2023