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AFL-CIO's Trumka: Keep VW Union Vote In Perspective

Workers at the Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga, Tenn., last week narrowly rejected joining the United Auto Workers. That was a setback for labor which was looking for an organizing victory in a southern state. The AFL-CIO is holding its winter meetings this week in Houston. The movement says its efforts to organize across the South continue despite the high profile defeat at the VW plant. RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United, tells of sizable organizing gains her union has made in the South over the last few years.

February 19, 2014

Unions Say No Retreat in South After VW Defeat

RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of the National Nurses United, said her union has organized 7,000 nurses over the past three years in Florida and Texas combined. The frustrations that drove those nurses to organize are no different than gripes that nurses in California had before they joined the union, Ms. DeMoro said. “Nurses are angry everywhere,” she said, calling claims of regional divides “artificial.” The union is currently trying to organize 4,000 nurses in Orlando who work for one of the state’s largest not-for-profit hospital systems, she said, and added that they are receptive.

The Wall Street Journal: Washington Wire
February 19, 2014

Bill Nighy and Andrew Lincoln star in video supporting Robin Hood tax

David Yates, director of the Harry Potter movies, has enlisted actors Bill Nighy, Clémence Poésy and The Walking Dead's Andrew Lincoln for a short satirical video calling for a Europe-wide banking transaction tax. Known as the Robin Hood tax, the film coincides with a meeting of European finance ministers this week to discuss the introduction of the tax, which could help ease poverty in developing countries to the tune of £20 billion.

The Independent
February 18, 2014

New York Hospitals Set to Move Dialysis Care to Private Chain, Despite Track Record

Now New York State’s Public Health and Health Planning Council is set to vote Thursday on a deal to turn over dialysis at four of the city’s public hospitals to a for-profit franchise called Big Apple Dialysis despite government data showing the company’s centers did not perform as well as the hospitals themselves.

The New York Times
February 12, 2014

Nurses union's conflict with Community Health Systems heats up

The 185,000-member National Nurses United labor union last month claimed that management at two California hospitals owned by Franklin-based Community Health Systems wrongfully terminated nurses who also were union members and had been outspoken on labor issues.

February 10, 2014

New Report Confirms “Right to Work” Would Harm Missouri’s Middle Class

Recently, Dr. Michael Kelsay, an economics professor from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, conducted a study in which he examined the economic impact that proposed “Right to Work” laws would have on the state of Missouri. His conclusions confirm that “Right to Work” would have a devastating impact on Missouri’s economy and hurt Missouri’s middle class families.

Protect MO Families
February 10, 2014

Nurse Says He Was Fired After Speaking Out Against Hospital Merger

The California Nurses Association has filed an unfair labor practice complaint against Watsonville Hospital for firing 36-year veteran nurse Tim Thomas. It alleges Thomas was terminated after criticizing the merger of Watsonville's Hospital's parent company, Community Health Systems, with Health Management Associates at HMA's Florida shareholder meeting in early January. HMA shareholders approved the $7.6 billion acquisition.

The Real News Network
February 10, 2014

Joel Hay: What's wrong with American hospitals?

In 2010, the Medicare program inspector general reported that the death toll from hospital errors had risen to 180,000 annually just in the Medicare program alone. A more recent study found that as many as 440,000 deaths each year result from hospital errors – equivalent to two daily jumbo jet crashes.

Orange County Register
February 10, 2014

Obamacare's Founding CEO Wants To Bring Single Payer To Massachusetts

On his first day as governor of Massachusetts, Donald Berwick promises to set up a commission tasked with finding a way to bring single payer to the Bay State. It'll have report back to him within a year -- ideally sooner. Having run Medicare and Obamacare in Washington for 17 months, he has concluded that the existing hybrid system is too cumbersome and expensive, and that single payer is the right fix.

Talking Points Memo
February 7, 2014

Nurses get advice on patient ratios

With contract talks for 2,600 nurses in the Capital district health authority breaking down last week, their union has brought in someone with experience in one of the key issues in dispute.

Herald News
February 7, 2014