Kansas press releases

Submitted by ADonahue on
Large group of nurses hold signs demanding better treatment of nurses and patients by Ascension

Nurses in Wichita and Austin demand Ascension address dual crises of workplace violence and short staffing

Nurses at Ascension hospitals in Wichita, Kansas and Austin, Texas are demanding that Ascension make contractual commitments to address the dual crises of workplace violence and short staffing, which are threatening patient care at the chain’s hospitals.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
August 30, 2023

Large group of nurses outside hospitals holding various signs calling for nurse and patient safety

Ascension nurses in Wichita and Austin to demand urgent improvements to patient safety

At a public action on July 26, registered nurses at Ascension via Christi St. Joseph Hospital, Ascension via Christi St. Francis Hospital, and Ascension Seton Medical Center will deliver petitions to hospital management demanding they take urgent action to improve patient care.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
July 25, 2023

Large group of nurses outside hospital with raised fists

Wichita nurses to return to work after biggest nurses strike in Kansas history and Ascension’s three-day lockout

After the biggest nurses strikes in Kansas history nurses will march on the boss, showing their commitment to win strong contract for safe staffing and improvements to patient care conditions.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 30, 2023

Nurse being confronted by management at entrance to hospital

RNs who staged historic TX and KS strikes now locked out by Ascension

Nearly 2,000 nurses at Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin and Wichita’s Ascension Via Christi St. Francis and Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph hospitals who held the largest nurses strikes ever in both states and are now facing punitive attempts by management at union-busting by prohibiting them from returning to work.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 28, 2023

Three nurses outside holding signs "Save Our Staff", "Fair Contract Now", "Fair Bargaining"

Nurses in Texas and Kansas move forward with historic strikes, resisting Ascension union-busting tactics

Registered nurses in Texas and Kansas at three Ascension hospitals are moving forward with historic one-day strikes to protest management’s resistance to bargain in good faith with RNs for union contracts that would help correct the endemic staffing crisis.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 23, 2023

Nurses on picket line

Strike-ready nurses condemn Ascension's lockout threat at Texas and Kansas hospitals

Registered nurses at three Ascension-owned hospitals were informed on Friday, June 16, that they would be locked out for an additional three days following their planned one-day June 27 strike.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 17, 2023

Nurse holds signs "Ascension can you hear this alarm?"

Registered nurses in Texas and Kansas represented by National Nurses United announce historic one-day strikes

RNs in Texas and Kansas at three Ascension hospitals will participate in historic one-day strikes on Tuesday, June 27 to protest the health care giant’s refusal to address its endemic staffing crisis.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 15, 2023

Nurses picketing in the rain

Following strike votes, Ascension nurses to rally at company HQ

Texas and Kansas nurses employed by Ascension will rally at the health care giant’s headquarters in St. Louis, Mo., to pressure executives to reverse unsafe staffing practices that prioritize profits over patient safety.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 14, 2023

Nurses in front of Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph hospital holding picket

Nurses at Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph overwhelmingly vote to strike

Nurses at Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph hospital in Wichita, Kan., have voted 90% yes to authorize a strike, joining nurses at nearby St. Francis in what could be the first nurses strikes in Kansas history.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 14, 2023

Nurses in front of St. Francis holding signs

Nurses at Ascension Via Christi St. Francis overwhelmingly vote to strike

In a vote concluded May 31, nurses voted 93% yes to authorize the strike. Nurses at the hospital, which is owned by Ascension, say they’ve had enough of the company’s practices putting profits before patients.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 1, 2023