Florida press releases

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Orlando Health to Face Federal Labor Board Trial On Charges of Harassment, Violations of RN Rights

For the past several months, Orlando Health RNs have in discussion about seeking collective representation to improve patient care conditions and protect their economic standards through the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Florida, an affiliate of National Nurses United, the nation’s largest organization of RNs. But in an attempt to suppress that effort, Orlando Health has responded, say RNs and NNOC-Florida, with a campaign of harassment against nurses.

February 3, 2014

Candle Light Vigil MONDAY 5:30 p.m. as New Cuts Go into Effect

ORLANDO--In the critical care nursery at WPH, where more than half of the RNs filled out the survey, 80 percent of RNs indicated that staffing is never or at best sometimes adequate, and 73 percent said that patients are sicker.

National Nurses Organizing Committee
January 10, 2014

Hospital Charge to Cost Ratios

New Data - Some Hospitals Set Charges at 10 Times their Costs

Nurses Warn of Ongoing Harm for Patients Needing Care. With growing national attention to hospital pricing practices, new data released by the nation's largest nurses organization today showed that hospital charges continue to skyrocket with some U.S. hospitals charging more than ten times their cost - nearly $1,200 for every $100 of their total costs.

National Nurses United
January 6, 2014

Naples, Fl. Press Conference at HMA Shareholders Meeting January 8

Registered nurses from around the U.S. will hold a press conference Wednesday, January 8 in Naples, Fl. before a vote by shareholders of the Health Management Associates chain, challenging a buyout of HMA by Community Health Systems that would create a massive hospital monopoly they say would threaten patient access and quality of care.

January 3, 2014

Florida RN Returns Saturday from Philippines Disaster Relief Mission

Girlie Garnada, a registered nurse from New Port Richey, FL, will return Saturday night from a two week medical relief mission to the Philippines. Garnada joined RNs from Washington, DC, Massachusetts, Michigan, and other locales on the third team of volunteers deployed by the National Nurses United's Registered Nurse Response Network relief effort on the northern end of the island of Panay, which was in the direct path of Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

December 13, 2013

Federal Charges Filed Against Orlando Health for Serious Violations of Nurses’ Rights

Unfair labor practice (ULP) charges have been filed with the National Labor Relations Board against five of the eight Orlando Health hospitals for numerous and egregious violations of federal labor law. The charges were submitted by the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Florida on behalf of Orlando Health RNs who are in the midst of a campaign to win a collective voice for safe patient care with the organization.

November 6, 2013

Orlando RNs to Shed Light on how Patient Care and Community is Hurt by Recent Cuts

Registered nurses and healthcare workers from throughout Orlando Health’s (OH) eight hospitals will hold a press conference and rally Monday morning to speak about the effects cuts are having on their ability to provide safe patient care, the National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC)-Florida announced today. The effects, described in more detail below, range from replacing a “sitter” (assigned to ensure a high-risk patient’s safety) with a technician on a different floor monitoring up to 12 cameras on a screen, to blood pressure cuffs not working.

NNOC Florida
October 4, 2013

Nurses Welcome First Contract at Two South Florida Hospitals

South Florida registered nurses this week are celebrating their first ever collective bargaining agreement at Florida Medical Center (FMC) and Palmetto General Hospital, with terms they say will improve patient care as well as secure economic gains for nurses and their families.

NNOC Florida / NNU
March 27, 2013

Historic Agreement for Nurses in Nation’s Biggest For Profit Hospital System

Registered nurses at 10 Florida hospitals that are a part of the nation’s largest for profit hospital chain, Nashville-based HCA, have achieved their first collective bargaining contract with important improvements in patient care protections and enhanced professional and economic standards.

May 7, 2012

Nurses to Rally at Florida Medical Center Over Hospital Conditions

Fort Lauderdale - Registered Nurses, members of the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Florida and National Nurses United -- the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in the country, with 170,000 members -- will hold a Respect Registered Nurses rally at The Florida Medical Center campus (FMC) of North Shore Medical Center – a Tenet hospital. There are 238 RNs on staff at FMC.

February 3, 2012