CNA press releases

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Nurses #BernieBus Steps on the Gas in Final Push to Register Voters Before Deadline Monday

Encouraged and energized by Senator Bernie Sanders success and California’s record-breaking numbers of new voters, nurses on the #BernieBus are re-doubling their voter registration efforts throughout Los Angeles Monday.

National Nurses United
May 23, 2016

California Assembly Approves CNA-Sponsored Bill to Reduce Toxic Fumes in Surgical Settings

The California Assembly today approved a bill that would mitigate the presence of toxic airborne contaminants that pose a hazard to patients, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, in operating rooms and other surgical settings.

California Nurses Association
May 19, 2016

Nurses on Nevada: Where’s the Outrage Over Widespread Irregularities That Occurred During Caucuses

National Nurses United today criticized media coverage of the disputed Nevada state convention last weekend that has sought to distort events in Nevada while ignoring the original source of the dispute – massive irregularities in the conduct of the state caucuses in Nevada that tilted the outcome in favor of Hillary Clinton.

National Nurses United
May 19, 2016

#BernieBus Has Arrived in Heart of Los Angeles for Sen. Bernie Sanders

National Nurses United registered nurse members, who have spent the last eight months traveling from coast to coast campaigning for Sen. Bernie Sanders on a bright red #BernieBus, will continue their swing through Southern California with stops at two major Los Angeles college campuses on Wednesday.

National Nurses United
May 18, 2016

Bill to Step Up Safety For Patients in Hospital ‘Observation’ Sails Through Senate

Registered nurses are heralding the California Senate’s passage of SB 1076, by a vote of 32-5, a bill that would significantly expand public oversight and protections for one of the least reported problems in U.S. hospitals – the placement of patients in “observation” status.

National Nurses United
May 13, 2016

FRIDAY—Nurses’ #BernieBus Heads to Southern CA

National Nurses United members, who have spent the last eight months traveling from coast to coast campaigning for Sen. Bernie Sanders on a bright red #BernieBus—will begin a week-long campaign swing southern California with stops at two San Fernando Valley college campuses on Friday.

National Nurses United
May 13, 2016

Informational Picket Today May 12

Registered Nurses and Community Members Will Protest Eroding Patient Care Conditions at Washington Hospital

National Nurses United
May 12, 2016

Nurses: New OSHA Rule Long Overdue, Strong Enforcement Needed

National Nurses United welcomes the latest occupational health and safety rule to Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses while also calling on the Agency to create stronger enforcement policies using the new data that this rule makes available.

National Nurses United
May 11, 2016

Grupo La Meta y Enfermeras Colaboran en Concierto por Bernie Sanders

Modesto, Calif. Grupo La Meta, quienes recientemente ha recibido atención nacional por su canción "El Quemazón” —un corrido para el candidato presidencial Bernie Sanders— se presentarán en conjunto con California Nurses Asociación/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) para un concierto especial en apoyo a la campaña de Bernie este Miércoles.11 de Mayo en Sacramento.

National Nurses United
May 10, 2016

Sanders Honors RNs on Nurses Week – Endorses California Initiative to Curb Drug Price Gouging

The nation’s largest RN organization today welcomed a statement by Sen. Bernie Sanders honoring America’s nurses on Nurses Week for “all you do every day of the year to care for and save the lives of patients” and for “speaking out for health and safety beyond the bedside” notably in campaigning for “guaranteed healthcare through an improved Medicare for all single payer healthcare system.”

National Nurses United
May 10, 2016