CNA press releases

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Estimated cost for single-payer in CA reduced by billions in analysis sponsored by supporters

With a state Senate vote possibly imminent on a single-payer health system for California, supporters Wednesday released a study estimating it would cut spending on healthcare in the state by 18% and cost tens of billions of dollars less than the state's estimate for the plan.

Patrick McGreevy, LA Times
May 31, 2017

Healthcare is a Human Right

New Findings – SB 562 Would Cut State Spending on Healthcare by 18% – and Guarantee Care for All

SB 562, the Healthy California Act, would cut current spending on healthcare in California by 18 percent – and produce substantial savings for households in healthcare costs as a share of their income, and California businesses, which would also see reduced payroll costs for health care expenditures, according to new research findings released today.

California Nurses Association
May 31, 2017

New Poll – 70% of Californians Support CA Medicare for All Bill

A full 70 percent of Californians favor establishing a public, Medicare for all type system providing universal single-payer health coverage, with lower costs for all Californians, as proposed in the Healthy California Act, SB 562.

California Nurses Association
May 31, 2017

California Single Payer Bill SB 562 Takes Another Step Forward

SB 562, the Healthy California Act, took another step forward in the California legislature Monday moving from the state Senate Appropriations Committee and appears headed to a full vote on the Senate floor by early June. First the bill will be held.

California Nurses Association
May 22, 2017

National Nurses United Announces Endorsement of Dotty Nygard for Congress

National Nurses United (NNU), the largest union of registered nurses in the United States, today announced it has endorsed Dotty Nygard, RN, for Congress in California’s 10th Congressional District.

National Nurses United
May 22, 2017

RNs Call On Mee Memorial Hospital to Ensure Quality Care by Investing in Nursing Staff

Registered nurses at Mee Memorial Hospital in King City will hold an informational picket on Monday, May 22, to demand that management address the conditions that are undermining the hospital's ability to recruit and retain the staff needed to ensure quality care.

California Nurses Association
May 19, 2017

Up to 1,000 RNs, Activists to Rally in Sacramento Friday To Press Support for Guaranteed Healthcare

Up to 1,000 registered nurses and grassroots activists from across the state will rally outside the State Capitol late Friday afternoon, followed by a march to the Sacramento Convention Center to press the case for critical legislation to guarantee health coverage for all Californians.

California Nurses Association
May 17, 2017

RNs Vote Overwhelmingly to Ratify Agreement With Keck Hospital of USC

Registered nurses at Keck Hospital of the University of Southern California (USC) and USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, have voted by an overwhelming majority to ratify a new four-year contract, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) announced today.

California Nurses Association
May 15, 2017

Nurses Reach Tentative Agreement With Keck Hospital of USC, USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

Registered nurses at Keck Hospital of the University of Southern California (USC) and USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, have reached a tentative agreement on a four-year contract that secures important patient protections, helps recruit and retain experienced nurses, and provides critical educational opportunities for nurses, the CNA/NNU announced today.

California Nurses Association
May 10, 2017

Nurses at St. Rose Hospital in Hayward Reach Tentative Agreement with Pay, Health Care Gains

Registered nurses at St. Rose Hospital in Hayward have reached tentative agreement with hospital officials on a bargaining agreement that includes important gains in economic security, significant improvements in healthcare, and an improved orientation program for new grads the CNA/NNU announced today.

California Nurses Association
May 10, 2017