CNA press releases

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We Are Here For Our Patients

RNs to Rally Across California Feb. 22 to Protest Supreme Court Case

Registered nurses, joined by community supporters, will hold public rallies Thursday, February 22 around California in advance of a Supreme Court hearing they say would severely jeopardize the ability of nurses who work in public health settings to advocate for safe patient care.

National Nurses United
February 19, 2018

Nurses here for our patients sign

RNs to Rally Across California Feb. 22 in Protest Over Supreme Court Case Seen as Threat to Patient Care

Registered nurses, joined by community supporters, will hold public rallies Thursday, February 22 around California in advance of a Supreme Court hearing they say would severely jeopardize the ability of nurses who work in public health settings to advocate for safe patient care.

California Nurses Association
February 16, 2018

San Bernardino Nurses

San Bernardino Nurses Vote by Overwhelming Majority to Ratify New Contract

San Bernardino County nurses voted by an overwhelming majority to approve a new 3.5 year contract agreement, which RNs say will stem the loss of experienced nurses to other hospitals in the region,

California Nurses Association
February 12, 2018

Nurses for SB562 - Jan 7 Select Committee Hearing

60-80% of Insurance Denials Overturned or Reversed When Taken to Independent Medical Review – New Data

From 60 percent to 80 percent of health insurance denials are reversed by independent medical review by the California Department of Managed Health Care – according to data released today by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United.

California Nurses Association
February 7, 2018

Cuidad de Salud es un Derecho Humano

Sponsors of Single-Payer Bill SB 562 to Testify at Assembly Select Committee Hearing on Universal Coverage

Sponsors of the Healthy California Act, SB 562, the single payer bill pending in the California legislature, will present as panelists at the upcoming Assembly Select Committee Hearing on Universal Healthcare in California at the State Capitol in Sacramento, Wednesday, February 7.

California Nurses Association
February 5, 2018

San Bernardino RNs

San Bernardino Nurses Reach Tentative Contract Agreement to Strengthen Safe Patient Care

San Bernardino County nurses have reached a tentative new contract agreement, which RNs say will stem the loss of experienced nurses to other hospitals in the region, and improve patient care condi

California Nurses Association
February 2, 2018

Save the Birth Place of the East Bay

Community Forum February 3 to Save Berkeley’s Only Acute Care Hospital: Alta Bates Medical Center

On Saturday, Feb. 3, nurses and local leaders, including Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín, and other community members will hold a community forum in Berkeley on the campaign to keep Alta Bates Medical Center, Berkeley’s sole acute care hospital and birthing center, open.

California Nurses Association
January 31, 2018

Healthcare for the 99%

Nurses: Villaraigosa’s Distortions, Fear Mongering on SB 562 Stain His Candidacy, Mock Health Crisis Felt by Millions 

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) today again condemned public statements by gubernatorial candidate Antonio Villaraigosa for politically motivated distortions and fear mongering about critical legislation, SB 562, that would deliver full health coverage for all Californians.

California Nurses Association
January 26, 2018

Nurse with sign

Nurses at St. Mary’s Medical Center Demand Better Staffing Levels to Improve Patient Care

Registered nurses will hold an informational picket and rally at St. Mary’s Medical Center, Monday, Jan. 29, to protest the hospital’s refusal to address eroding patient care conditions in units throughout the hospital.

January 26, 2018

picket sign

University of California RNs To Rally Across CA Thursday for Improved Care, Workplace Safety

University of California registered nurses will hold informational pickets Thursday at UC medical centers from Sacramento to San Diego to press the case for improving safe staffing and workplace safety measures.

California Nurses Association
January 24, 2018