CNA press releases

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California Nurses Association logo

California Nurses Association calls on Los Angeles City Councilmembers and LA Fed President to resign

CNA/NNU called on Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León and Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera to resign their positions.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
October 10, 2022

Group of four nurses inside hospital wearing masks

Shasta Regional nurses ratify new contract with strong measures to improve patient safety and retention

“It took more than a year to reach this deal, but we are so gratified to see how our solidarity paid off in order for us to get a fair contract that will benefit our entire community,” said Michelle Gaffney, a registered nurse in the intensive care unit.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
October 7, 2022

Three Monterey County RNs holding signs in hall "Staff up for safe care. End crisis care now."

Monterey County nurses ratify new contract with strong measures to improve patient safety and nurse retention

RNs in Monterey County’s health system in California voted 96 percent in favor of ratifying a new four-year contract yesterday, winning protections to improve patient safety and nurse retention.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
October 6, 2022

Goup of nurses inside hospital, one holds sign "Staff Up for Safe Care"

California nurses and caregivers applaud new meal and rest break law signed by Governor Newsom

S.B. 1334 guarantees enforceable breaks for public-sector and University of California workers who provide or support direct patient care in a hospital, clinic, or public health setting.

California Nurses Association/Caregivers and Healthcare Employees Union
September 30, 2022

Group of five nurses inside hospital giving thumbs up

Centinela nurses ratify new contract with strong measures to improve patient safety and nurse retention

Nurses say the new contract will help in the hospital’s efforts to recruit and retain RNs in order to promote strong nursing teams and create an optimal healing environment for all patients.

California Nurses Association
September 2, 2022

CNA logo

Nurses urge Gov. Newsom to sign bill requiring public sector employers to provide meal and rest breaks to health care workers

S.B. 1334 will ensure that public-sector employees who provide direct patient care or support direct patient care will be covered by Section 512 of the California Labor Code, guaranteeing meal breaks and rest periods for nurses.

California Nurses Association
September 2, 2022

Pile of buttons: Safe staffing now!

Kaiser nurses to hold informational pickets for nurse and patient safety

More than 22,000 RNs and nurse practitioners at 22 Kaiser Permanente facilities will hold info pickets on Thurs., Sept. 1, to protest the administration’s refusal to address their deep concerns about health and safety and chronic short staffing.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
August 23, 2022

California Nurses Association logo

Nurses criticize SEIU-hospital industry deal to trade delay of seismic safety for wage increases

The last-minute alliance has infuriated other unions, which accused the SEIU-UHW of making a backroom deal that skirts the legislative process and puts patients, health care workers, and communities at risk.

California Nurses Association
August 19, 2022

Two nurses holding sign: Staff up for safe care, end crisis care now

Seton RNs vote no confidence in hospital administrator and call for investigation before releasing millions to administration

The Daly City City Council will hold a town hall to discuss the failures of AHMC to address chronic understaffing, closing of service lines, and other problems at SMC.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
August 13, 2022

St. Mary's nurses at a nursing station

St. Mary’s nurses charge unsafe staffing is jeopardizing patient care

RNs at St. Mary’s Medical Center in San Francisco, Calif., will hold an informational picket on Mon., Aug. 15, to alert the public to chronic short staffing across the hospital which jeopardizes patient safety.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
August 11, 2022