CNA press releases

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RNs to Picket Doctors San Pablo Today, Stepping Up Call for County to Keep West County Hospital Open

Following a decision last Tuesday by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to table a sales tax to, in part, help embattled Doctors Medical Center in San Pablo, DMC registered nurses today announced plans to hold a picket today to demand the county assume operation of DMC with existing revenues and retain it as a full service hospital. Anything less than a full service hospital would abandon residents of West Contra Costa County and expose hundreds of thousands of area residents to the threat of no emergency and hospital care in their community, RNs said.

California Nurses Association
July 1, 2014

Hearing Today- RNs Step Up Call for Effective Curbs on Insurance Price Hikes at Sacramento Rally

Registered nurses, consumers, community health activists, and patients will rally in Sacramento Wednesday, then attend a legislative hearing in which they will call on state lawmakers to support Proposition 45 on the November ballot to provide effective curbs on insurance premium increases.

California Nurses Association
July 1, 2014

RNs: Rulings Continue Corporate Tilt with Further Attacks on Democracy, Women, Worker’s Rights

The Supreme Court ruling today limiting the collective voice of Illinois home care workers continues a dangerous pattern of undermining democracy as well as eroding the rights of workers to have a collective voice through their unions, and signals a desire for broader restrictions, said National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses. NNU also blasted a second court ruling sharply limiting access to reproductive healthcare for women by allowing corporations to refuse to provide contraceptive care in health coverage.

National Nurses United
June 30, 2014

RN-Backed Bills on Patient Choice, Holding Hospitals to Account on Charity Care Advance in Sac.

Two major bills sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United that would greatly expand patient access to doctors and hospitals of their choice and hold non-profit hospitals to public accountability on what charity care and community benefits they provide passed key tests in the California legislature Wednesday.

California Nurses Association
June 26, 2014

RNs to Picket DMC San Pablo July 1, Stepping Up Call for County to Keep West County Hospital Open

Following a decision Tuesday by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to table a sales tax to, in part, help embattled Doctors Medical Center in San Pablo, DMC registered nurses today announced plans to hold a picket July 1 to demand the county assume operation of DMC with existing revenues and retain it as a full service hospital.

California Nurses Association
June 24, 2014

Bill to Strengthen Workplace Violence Prevention in CA Hospitals Advances Again in Legislature

Legislation to assure California hospitals have stronger measures to reduce workplace violence incidents continues to move forward in the California state legislature as it passed its second Assembly test today. Senate Bill 1299, introduced by Sen. Alex Padilla, and sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, was approved by the Assembly Health Committee today, and heads next to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration, probably later this summer. The bill won approval by the California Senate last month.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

Registered Nurses Applaud Cal/OSHA's Adoption of Stronger Safe Patient Handling Regulations

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted Thursday to adopt new regulations on safe patient handling that are designed to protect registered nurses and other healthcare workers from patient handling injuries and to provide patients with safe and appropriate care. The board also granted a petition, submitted by the California Nurses Association, requesting that the Cal/OSHA Standards Board establish standards for violence prevention in healthcare workplaces.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

RNs, Community Leaders to Hold Vigil at St. Louise in Gilroy Thursday

Registered nurses, joined by local community leaders, will hold a vigil Thursday at St. Louise Regional Hospital in Gilroy, to demand the Daughters of Charity Health System be held to its pledge to protect critical hospital services at St. Louise and several other facilities. For more than a year, Daughters of Charity has been actively soliciting a buy-out partner while failing to make any commitments to the communities served by Daughters hospitals that full services will be maintained.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

Registered Nurses Urge Cal/OSHA to Adopt Proposed Stronger Safe Patient Handling Regulations

Registered nurses, affiliated with the California Nurses Association, traveled to Sacramento from throughout the state today to urge the Cal/OSHA Board to adopt new regulations on safe patient handling and to petition regulators to establish standards for workplace violence prevention. The proposed safe patient handling regulations are designed to protect registered nurses and other healthcare workers from patient handling injuries and to provide patients with safe and appropriate care. The regulations were developed over the past year to enforce Assembly Bill 1136, the Hospital Patient and Health Care Worker Injury Protection Act.

California Nurses Association
June 20, 2014

Bill to Step Up Violence Prevention in California Hospitals Continues to Advance in Legislature

Legislation to assure California hospitals have stronger measures to reduce workplace violence incidents continues to move forward in the California state legislature as it passed its first Assembly test Wednesday. Senate Bill 1299, introduced by Sen. Alex Padilla, and sponsored by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, was approved by the Assembly Labor Committee Wednesday, and now heads to the Assembly Health Committee next week. The bill won approval by the California Senate last month.

California Nurses Association
June 12, 2014