CNA press releases

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CA Nurses Launch ‘Yes on 45’ Radio Ads: ‘Real Nurses’ Support Limit on Insurance Abuses

Taking issue with the $57 million deceptive advertising campaign by the state’s biggest insurance giants, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United has begun a broad radio campaign to inform voters that “real nurses” support Proposition 45 to rein in excessive insurance increases that put patients at risk.

California Nurses Association
October 31, 2014

University of California RNs to Speak Out on Inadequate Ebola Prep. at University Medical Centers

Registered nurses at University of California medical centers will hold speak outs Tuesday and Wednesday to alert the public that UC hospitals, now being promoted as priority hospitals for treating any potential Ebola patients in California, are far from prepared, according to the frontline RNs.

California Nurses Association
October 27, 2014

National Nurses Statement on New CDC Ebola Guidelines

National Nurses United today welcomed the call in the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for “rigorous and repeated training” for nurses and other health workers responding to the Ebola virus as NNU has been urging for two months, but said some substantial questions and concerns remain.

National Nurses United
October 21, 2014

Nurses to Meet with California Gov. Tuesday, Seek to Make CA a National Model for Ebola Protections

Will California, the world’s 8th largest economy, set a national standard for the U.S. and beyond on the highest safety standards and protocols for confronting the deadly Ebola virus? That’s the proposal leaders of the National Nurses United and California Nurses Association will make to California Gov. Jerry Brown Tuesday morning.

California Nurses Association
October 20, 2014

Nurses: Make California National Model for Safety Protections

California Gov. Jerry Brown will meet with leaders of the California Nurses Association and National Nurses United Tuesday morning in Sacramento to review ways to make California the national leader in enacting the highest Ebola safety standards and protocols to protect nurses, other frontline health care workers, patients and the public.

California Nurses Association
October 20, 2014

RNs at St. Joseph Hospital Decry Management's Response for Highest Standards of Ebola Preparation

Today, Registered Nurses at St Joseph Hospital in Orange, a hospital where RNs are not yet represented by a union, took the bold step of publicly calling on management to take immediate measures to ensure the health and safety of RNs and patients alike regarding Ebola. The RNs pointed out that the hospital, like most hospitals in America, has failed to enact adequate measures to protect against Ebola.

California Nurses Association
October 17, 2014

RNs: New Accord Would Keep Open Daughters of Charity Hospitals, Preserve Vital Services

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United has reached an agreement with Prime Healthcare that nurses say features a commitment to preserve hospital services and labor standards at four California hospitals currently operated by the Daughters of Charity Health System in the event those hospitals are acquired by Prime.

California Nurses Association
October 10, 2014

Nurses Welcome Richmond City Council Decision to Reallocate Chevron Funds to Support Future of DMC

At Tuesday's Richmond City Council meeting, Registered Nurses, hospital staff and community members prevailed on Council members to reallocate $15 million of a $90 million community benefit agreement with Chevron USA, to Doctors Medical Center San Pablo (DMC).

California Nurses Association
October 8, 2014

Nurses Demand Chevron, City Council Act Tonight and Allocate Funds to Doctors Medical Center

At tonight's Richmond City Council meeting Registered Nurses and community residents are calling on the Council to take action immediately to allocate Chevron funds to restore and maintain Doctors Medical Center as a full service acute care hospital.

California Nurses Association
October 7, 2014

UPDATE -- Even After Dallas, Hospitals Still Lagging in Preparation for U.S. Ebola Patients

News of the first confirmed patient in the U.S. infected with the Ebola virus still has not led to effective communication with registered nurses who would be among the first to respond and interact with patients possibly infected, according to survey responses from at least 1,400 registered nurses across the U.S.

National Nurses United
October 6, 2014