CalCare press releases

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Large group of people in park standing and sitting in front of CalCare banner, some holding CalCare signs

Nurses condemn California Assembly committee for failing to pass CalCare

California Nurses Association members condemned the California State Assembly Appropriations Committee for capitulating to corporate health care and failing to pass A.B. 2200,  the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act, also known as CalCare, at a time when public health programs are being drastically cut and a comprehensive, high-quality single payer program would be many Californians’ only lifeline for care.

California Nurses Association
May 16, 2024

Large group of people standing in front of CalCare banner, holding CalCare signs

California nurses, labor groups, and activists celebrate California Assembly Health Committee advancing CalCare bill from committee

Members of the California Nurses Association, other labor unions, advocacy groups, elected officials and activists praised the Assembly Health Committee’s vote to move forward the single-payer health care bill.

California Nurses Association
April 24, 2024

Large group of activists in park holding CalCare signs and banner

California nurses and activists to rally in support of CalCare

Ahead of Health Committee hearing, members of the California Nurses Association, other labor unions, advocacy groups, and members of the California State Assembly will gather at Cesar Chavez Park.

California Nurses Association
April 19, 2024

Rep. Ash Kalra (AD 25), Sen. Dave Cortese (SD 15) on CNA panel for CalCare

Assemblymember Ash Kalra, California Nurses Association introduce CalCare legislation

AB 2200 would enact a comprehensive framework of governance, benefits, program standards, and health care cost controls for a single-payer health care coverage system in California, guaranteeing comprehensive, high-quality health care for all Californians as a human right.

California Nurses Association
February 7, 2024

CalCare logo

California nurses renew fight for guaranteed health care

Vowing never to back down against the corporate health care industry, CNA announced they are renewing their fight to pass CalCare. The legislation would guarantee free, comprehensive, high-quality health care to all California residents as a human right through a single-payer system.

California Nurses Association
February 17, 2023


Nurses vow to continue fight for CalCare because ‘we never give up on our patients’

After nurses and our allies learned that the California State Assembly failed to hold a vote on AB 1400, the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act, a bill that would establish a single-payer health system for the state, we are disappointed—but not defeated.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
February 1, 2022


Nurses condemn California Assembly for ‘giving up’ on bill to guarantee health care in the state

This failure by elected representatives to put patients above profits at a time when it’s more clear than ever before that health care must be a right.

California Nurses Association
January 31, 2022

Nurses outside hold CalCare signs

California Nurses Association celebrates major milestone toward winning guaranteed health care in the state

California Nurses Association celebrated momentous progress toward guaranteed health care in California as AB 1400 passed out of the appropriations committee today and moves to the full Assembly for a vote.

California Nurses Association
January 20, 2022

Person holding heart CalCare sign and placing flag on car.

Nurses praise Assembly Health Committee passage of guaranteed health care bill as ‘hope for California’

CNA today congratulated the Assembly Health Committee chair and committee members for approving the single-payer Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare), AB 1400 Tuesday night.

California Nurses Association
January 12, 2022

Ady Barkan

Nurses, health care activist Ady Barkan to speak out for guaranteed health care at key Assembly hearing Tuesday

CNA will be joined by the nationally renowned health care activist in testifying at the first key legislative hearing of 2022 on CalCare.

California Nurses Association
January 10, 2022