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Video: An Interview with Malinda Markowitz

One of the least reported problems in U.S. hospitals is the placement of patients in “observation” status, where they can be held for hours or days with less public oversight and fewer protections.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

What. A. Night. In. Vegas.

Thousands of nurses tuned into the first debate for the Democratic presidential nomination and to cheer on our endorsed candidate, Bernie Sanders. Before the big event, more than 200 RNs joined 200 other supporters and marched in Vegas, sending the message to the world that Bernie is the best choice for our country.

National Nurses United

Fighting Workplace Violence In Healthcare

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfatal injuries due to workplace violence experienced by healthcare workers increased by 12 percent in recent years.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Commentary: EpiPen why we need Prop. 61

Prop. 61 uses the common-sense approach of directing the state to pay no more than the same prices paid by the VA. That could cut prices by up to 40 percent, and produce billions in savings for California taxpayers.

Zenei Cortez, writing in the East Bay Times

Rally launches Healthy California Campaign to Win S.B. 562 - Healthcare for all California Residents

Nearly 500 registered nurses, healthcare activists, seniors, workers, immigrants, and business leaders converged on Sacramento today in a spirited rally to kick off a seminal campaign to win passage of S.B. 562, state legislation that would establish a Medicare-style healthcare system for all residents in California, the world’s fifth-largest economy.

National Nurses United

PART 2: National Nurses United Co-President Deborah Burger reflects on the "State Of The Union"

This week on Nurse Talk Radio RN and Co-President of NNU Deborah Burger joins us to talk about why now more than ever--nurses need strong and progressive leadership and representation. This is part 2 of our 2 part podcast.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

RN Volunteers at Capitol presser

RN Volunteers Back from Puerto Rico Join Congress Members to Urge Increased Aid to Stem Health Crisis

RN Volunteers Back from Puerto Rico Join Congress Members to Urge Increased Aid to Stem Health Crisis

RN Response Network

Safer Hospitals = Safer Care

On April 1, California Healthcare Employers With No Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Will Be Breaking the Law

Thanks to a hard-won fight by the California Nurses Association, as of April 1, California healthcare employers without a plan to prevent workplace violence will be breaking the law.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of National Nurses United

RNs march for Medicare For All

How to Fully Protect People with Pre-Existing Conditions — Medicare for All

In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the top dog, or pig in this case, Napoleon can’t get the land to produce food, so he makes it up. For example, Napoleon orders nearly barren storage bins be loaded up almost to the brim with sand, deceiving a human onlooker to report there was no food shortage on the farm. After he finally leaves the White House, Trump could play Napoleon in a remake of Animal Farm.

National Nurses United

Sonoma Evacuation map

RNRN Monitoring Massive California Fires & Evacuations

RNRN is currently monitoring eleven fires burning and extreme weather conditions across the state of California that led Governor Gavin Newsom to declare a state of emergency. Two massive fires burning this weekend that are threatening residential areas are the Kincaid Fire in Northern California and the Tick Fire in Southern California.