Thank you, nurses!

Submitted by smaple on
Thank you nurses heart graphic


Nurses are on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, showing up to work, treating patients, and putting their lives on the line to care for all of us. Read some of the messages pouring in from grateful supporters around the country below, then send your own thank you message to nurses.

Send your own message of thanks to nurses


"I want to thank each one of you. I had to go to ER at West Hills, CA and they tried hard but they did not have what they need and I know if three cases that were within 12 feet of me."

"As a retired nurse, I am so grateful for all of you who are working right now. I know how exhausting and stressful it can be, but never to this extent. We love you all, and appreciate you always."

"You are the real heroes during these troubled times, and always. Thank for putting yourselves out there for all our sake and safety."

"There aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am for all of our nurses. My mother is an ICU nurse, and I see first hand how this affects all of you. Every single one of you is a hero. Thank you!!!!!!"

"Thank you all for your personal sacrifice and sense of duty. "

"I have always had the highest respect for nurses everywhere. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all that you give, especially during these terrifying times. We are all scared, you probably more than most, yet you continue to put yourself out there for your community. Thank you feels so inadequate! "

"So sorry our system has let you down. I am confident you will care for your patients with all you have. Blessing to one & all. Thank you. "

"You Nurses are truly a GOD SEND! Take care of yourselves because without you,...we are SUNK! Stay SAFE and HEALTHY!! "

"Thank you for showing up every day amidst so much chaos and danger to yourself and loved ones! God bless you and yours! "

"Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much we all appreciate you. Hang in there, stay safe and you are in our prayers. "

"A great big thanks. You all are amazing and I appreciate everything you all are doing during this difficult time. Hugs and Prayers. "

"You are all very special to all of us, we owe you a debt we can never repay! "

"Thanks for being there for us and being courageous! "

"Thank you for coming to work every day and putting your life on the line to help those who are sick thank you for all that you do and making our state and Country a safer healthier place to be. "

"Thank you for all being there. Thank you for caring. Thank you for you sacrifices and willingness to risk your own safety, not just now but for those sacrifices of your pasts. And I am sorry for the burden you must carry through these times. I am sorry for the faces of those you will not be able to save that you will carry with you forward. I am thankful to you for the ones you will be able to save. I appreciate what you do. "

"There are no words that are good enough to thank you for helping all the ill people and not just during this crisis but everyday, so thank you and stay healthy and safe if possible! "

"All Americans are very fortunate to have caring and valiant nurses to care for them. Thank you. "

"Union member here standing in solidarity with all my union nurse sisters & brothers! Much love to you all! "

"Thank you for all you do. It takes special people, and we need you. Love and hugs "

"Thank you for being the front line! Thank you for working these endless hours. Thank you for putting your life on the line to save others! "

"Thank you for all you are doing. Can not imagine what you are going through everyday. "

"A special thank you for working under these horrific conditions to take care of our loved ones.. Stay safe and well! Love and prayers for all of you everywhere!! "

"Flag f "

"Thank you so very much for all your hard work may you stay safe through this healthcare crisis & know how much we appreciate & love you all .Amen stay healthy I pray everyday we all get through this & soon it will be over...Stay strong Everyone is behind you praying ❤❤❤ "

"Thanks for your selflessness and your courage in this time of uncertainty. God Bless you all. "

"I just wanted to yell out to all the nurse out there. You are the ones who is helping my sister stay alive. I thank you from the top and bottom of my heart. I feel lucky that my sister has the best nurses in the world. And all the other nurse out there you are just amazing. God Bless each and everyone of you!! "

"Thank you for your love, loyalty, time, your own risk of getting yourself sick. For having to be away from your families. For having to work in the conditions that a lot of you have had to. Thank you for saving what lives that you can save. Don't give up don't think you're alone because you are not. You are in people's thoughts and prayers. Everyday and night. "

"Thank you. I know when you went into this you never thought it could get this bad. Nobody did. I am sending you lots of Huge Hugs. Bunches of Love, And lots of Thank you and a endless supply of prayers. "

"We need you when we are at our most difficult times and you are there for us. THANK YOU! "

"Thank you is not sufficient enough to describe how i feel about you guys. You guys are on the frontline every day making enormous sacrifices. I hope and pray people will listen to help us all out and especially you guys. Love and appreciate all you guys are doing. "

"Thank you so much for all the work you are doing over and above your regular duties. You are much appreciated. God bless all of you.... "

"Amidst this pandemic you all stand true with your pledge to save lives putting yourself and your love ones at risk. Salute to you heroes of the world, my prayers to your safety extends to your families too... May God be with you always... God bless... "

"Nurses are the best people in the world! Love you all!!! "

"Thank you for staying at the hospital to take care of people. I am staying home. The only time I go out is when I need to. "

"Thank you for putting yourself out there each and every day, not just during this trying time. You make a BIG difference each and every day. God Bless You. "

"Thank you for all the hard work and sacrifices you all do for this country "

"You stay safe and healthy. Thank you for everything you do to make others feel better "

"Thank you for your courage, sacrifice, and kindness. "

"Thank for your countless hours of care and healing "

"You are the heroes. Thank you all for standing tall. "

"Stay well, Stay safe. Thank you. "

"You are the Heroes of our time. "

"Thank you all for your selflessness, patriotism, tireless hours and being our backbone for our country at this very difficult time. Please stay healthy and safe. And thank you again. "

"Thank you for all you are doing while being on the front line in the war against Coronavirus Covid-19. "

"Your dedication is appreciated more than words can tell. Praying you stay healthy. God bless you all. "

"Couldn't make it through this pandemic without you "

"Thank you to all nurses for all you sacrifice to do your jobs and take care of the sick. It does not go unnoticed. God bless. "

"Thank you all very much for your bravery and your courage in doing all that you do. God bless you! "

"Thank you very much for your wonderful service to all who are in need, past, present, and future. I very much appreciate your help and bravery. Please stay healthy. "

"Thank you for all you do. Not just during this crisis but every other day also. You're true heroes. God bless every one of you. "

"Nurses are so special. They are there to provide care when no one else is. Their dedication to work 24/7, 365, rain, snow, sleet or shine. It takes a special person who will work under these critical circumstances. I salute all nurses and healthcare workers. "

"I know you're out here helping people with this virus and I want to Thank You Very Much. And try to be safe for your family "

"Thank you all for your service, little or no sleep, everyone else first, they are relentless. Thank you for all you do !!! "

"Thank you for being there & for caring about the human race!! Not everyone could do what you do!! God bless each and everyone !! "

"Nurse advocate! Caring for strangers on a daily basis! Thank you for having a heart ❤"