Statement from National Nurses United: Speaker Pelosi’s Aide Undercutting Medicare for All Deeply Upsetting but Nurses Will Not Be Silenced

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Washington--Today, in response to reports that Speaker Pelosi’s senior health policy adviser and longtime aide used a private meeting to encourage health policy groups to advocate against Medicare for All, National Nurses United President Jean Ross issued the following statement:

“The news that Speaker Pelosi’s senior health policy adviser Wendell Primus used a private meeting to encourage health policy groups to raise public concerns about Medicare for All is highly upsetting but sadly not surprising. The fact that it occurred last November, shortly after the Democrats recaptured the House majority in an election that was fought largely on the issue of health care, is a clear betrayal to the American people who had just voted overwhelmingly in favor of improved health care. 2018 was a health care election, and the American people made their voices heard loud and clear -- and we nurses are listening, even if our Congressional leaders aren’t. Nurses will not be silenced by Big Pharma or other industry opposition, but will continue to fight for what we know is the best solution: Medicare for All.”

“The story quotes Speaker Pelosi’s spokesperson as saying: ‘No one has anything to fear from good faith research on Medicare for All.’ We nurses welcome a good faith debate, and are confident that such research would show that The Medicare for All Act of 2019 is the only solution that guarantees quality health care for everyone.”

For more information or to speak with an NNU spokesperson, please contact Rebecca Sharer at or 703-585-0404.