North Carolina


RNs at Mission Asheville holding signs and banner "Patients' needs over HCA/FRIST greed" and "Hey HCA, put patients over profits"

Asheville nurses to protest HCA contract proposals that endanger patient care

Registered nurses at HCA-owned Mission Hospital in Asheville, N.C., will hold a rally on June 19 to protest HCA’s failure to seriously address nurses’ concerns in contract negotiations.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 17, 2024


Hospital To Nurses: Your Injuries Are Not Our Problem

The case of Terry Cawthorn and Mission Hospital, in Asheville, N.C., gives a glimpse of how some hospital officials around the country have shrugged off an epidemic. Cawthorn was a nurse at Mission for more than 20 years. Her supervisor testified under oath that she was "one of my most reliable employees." Then, as with other nurses described this month in the NPR investigative series Injured Nurses, a back injury derailed Cawthorn's career. Nursing employees suffer more debilitating back and other body injuries than almost any other occupation, and most of those injuries are caused by lifting and moving patients.

Daniel Zwerdling, NPR
February 19, 2015


Hurricane Matthew Update: RNRN/NNU Assists International Medical Corps Efforts in Haiti

Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc last week in the Caribbean and the U.S. The hardest hit was Haiti, where the unofficial death toll (a number reported by Reuters but not officially confirmed) has now risen to 1,000, where they are starting to bury the dead in mass graves.

RN Response Network