

Nurses with raised fists

Nurses at 17 HCA facilities in six states ratify new union contracts

Registered nurses at 17 hospitals managed by HCA have voted in favor of ratifying new three-year contracts in recent weeks, concluding a massive 2024 bargaining effort by nurses, and including measures to improve patient care, patient safety, nurse retention, and working conditions at their hospitals.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
October 22, 2024


No on Prop A

Victory for All Workers - Missouri defeats Right to Work for Less

Working people in Missouri trounced expectations and captured the nation’s attention on Tuesday. In the wake of Prop. A’s 2-to-1 defeat, all eyes are on the labor movement.

August 9, 2018


National RN Updates: Florida, Illinois, California, Michigan, Missouri

Florida Nurses Welcome First Contract, Illinois Jackson Park Chicago RNs Win First Hospital Contract, California RNs Reach Agreement with Sutter CPMC & St. Luke, Michigan MNA President, Jeff Breslin on Right To Work, Missouri Nurses Push for “Safe Patient Handling” Law HB 856, and more.

National Nurses United