

Large group of nurses inside hospital, smiling, with raised fists.

Maine nurses win back thousands of dollars, following state DOL citation against Northern Maine Medical Center

The Maine Department of Labor has issued a citation to Northern Maine Medical Center for regulatory violations, including misclassifying nurses as subcontractors, failing to pay nurses overtime, failing to pay nurses their wages in a timely manner, and requiring nurses to sign contracts that exempted NMMC from Maine’s labor laws.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
February 27, 2025


Cartoon with gears

Maine nurses oppose Pacific trade pact's gifts to billionaire drug companies

Nurses are patient advocates — and by extension advocates for our patients' families and our communities - and today we are sounding an alert on theTrans-Pacific Partnership, an international agreement that puts the public health of Maine, and the nation, at risk.

Cokie Giles, Special to the BDN / Bangor Daily News
January 22, 2016


March on Wall Street for the Damage Done to Main Street

An international day of action to make Wall Street Pay - nurses are joining workers to demand jobs, guaranteed healthcare, quality public education, fair housing and enactment of a Financial Transaction Tax (Wall Street sales tax)



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Maine Endorsements

See a list of legislative endorsements.