

Nurses holding press conference holding signs "Nurse Solidarity"

Chicago nurses demand an end to VA staffing cuts

Chicago-based registered nurses from the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, VA Hines Health Care, and Captain James A. Lovell Federal Healthcare Center will join Cook County nurses for a rally at Jesse Brown on March 28 to demand an end to staffing cuts. The VA secretary has confirmed what was first reported in a leaked memo, that the administration is looking to cut between 72,000 to 80,000 workers from the VA.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
March 26, 2025


Nurse in front of VA

Nurses condemn legislation that will endanger Veterans

The 150,000 nurses of National Nurses United—including 11,000 in the Dept. of Veterans Affairs—recently condemned the VA MISSION Act (HR 5674), in a letter to the U.S.

The Chicago Crusader
June 13, 2018


Stories from Main Street

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro recently called on RNs nationwide to share stories about how the economic crisis is impacting their lives at home, and in their hospitals and communities. Their heartfelt responses were deeply moving, some of which can be read in this blog. To protect their anonymity, names have been removed. Additional stories are coming soon.



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NNU Endorsements 2016

See a list of legislative endorsements.