

Large group of nurses outside smiling, some with raised fists, some holding signs "No Cuts: A Healthy VA = Healthy Vets"

Denver VA nurses to rally to protest staffing crisis due to hiring freeze

Nurses at Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in Aurora, Colorado, will hold a rally on Thursday, June 27, to protest the ongoing hiring freeze by the Department of Veteran Affairs and host a bake sale to raise money to hire nursing staff.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
June 25, 2024


Coloradans Will Put Single-Payer Health Care To A Vote

On a brisk morning in Denver recently, an ambulance pulled up in front of a downtown office tower. "I think the patient is going to make it," Dr. Irene Aguilar said as a team rolled out the gurney. This wasn't a medical emergency, but rather a bit of political theater. The gurney held several big boxes of signed petitions to be delivered to Colorado's Secretary of State's office. The group ColoradoCareYES gathered enough signatures — more than 100,000 — to put a single-payer health system on the ballot next fall.

John Daley / NPR
December 22, 2015


NURSE TALK RADIO: Holding Insurance Companies Accountable and Healthcare Colorado

This week one of our good friends returns to Nurse Talk to talk about her new project, Healthcare for All Colorado. None other than Donna Smith is with. Donna as most of our listeners know, worked for five years as National Nurses United Legislative Advocate based in D.C. She just returned to her home state of Colorado and now serves as the Executive Director of Healthcare for All Colorado.

Nurse Talk Radio